Thursday 3 May 2012



When most do think, of Europe as a whole, they often falsely tend to believe that London or Paris, are truly in all again, a true representative in all, of Europe as a whole actually. They in all too really, tend to falsely view this in all too even, from a more or less an Architectural perspective that is {that European Architecture in all, is best represented in all again, by Paris or London, or even truly that, Architecture in Paris or London in itself, truly speaks of the heights, of European Architecture in itself actually}. In actuality though, it has always been Vienna/Austria, that has always been the home of European Architecture in all {and as with Architecture in Vienna/Austria, a representative in all again, of Architecture and as seen in the rest of Europe (from Russia to Portugal, minus Spain, and all this too, allowing for one to see the Scandinavia/Nordic Countries in all too really, as somewhat distinct in all again, from the rest of Europe actually)} {and with Architecture in Vienna, the best way in all again, to see Italy even, as very much distinct in all again, and from the rest/whole of Europe too that is} .

In all too really though, Vienna/Austria in many ways, is the very true home in all, of European culture as a whole actually {and as with it housing even, the European Shakespearean world that is}, and in all ways truly even, not only is Vienna Europe's Prime/Capital City in all, but in all ways even, speak of nothing much today happening in Europe, is speak in all again of the very fact that, Vienna/Austria, is very much a 'dead' place and in all ways even {and as with culturally speaking too that is} {and with the Arthurian world in Austria, associated in all again, with the City of Salzburg actually (and as with it even, more often associated in all today, with Mozart, and not Robin or Arthur either)}.


Chip Donaldson