Wednesday 23 May 2012

Psychosomatic disease

Psychosomatic disease.

To speak of Psychosomatic disease in many ways, is to speak in many ways too, of the State of Humanity, and as it is in our present Times/Age too that is. That in all, Psychosomatic disease, and more than any other kind of disease in all, has come to define Humanity, and rather strongly too, and since the very end, of the Napoleonic (II) Era that is.

Having defined Psychosomasis before ('Dynasty' entry), and as based around not only threats, scares and intimidation in all, abut also, the developing of poor reflexes, unnatural responses, and damaged even, physical/emotive states {and all these leading too, to many an ailment, condition or disease in itself, and such as the preponderance in all too really, of Migraine for instance}, the question then becomes, just how in all, has all this, defined Humanity, and in our present Times/Ages too that is.

First off, has been the rise in popularity, of a Womens Comfort culture {that many in all, and dealing with Psychosomatic disease, have taken to the arms of many a Woman (and including their Mothers too), and in the attempt, to generally feel good, safe, and worthy in all ways too even} {the very belief that, not only does having a Woman in ones life, help make it far much easier (as with comfort provided, and speaking in many ways too even, of sex that is), and all this too, dealing with Psychosomatic disease, but in many ways too, the very belief that, because of the latter two, Women are in general, to be highly cherished and worshipped actually, and in all ways too, deemed the most important Asset to ones life in all (and as with this too, speaking of anything too, that does go along with them actually)}.

While some have attempted to deal with Psychosomatic disease, and by engaging in Nature in all, and as with regards to their lives too that is {and as with many a camping trip too that is}, there has been many a missed out on Business opportunity in all again {and with the exception perhaps, of the selling of Painkillers that is}, and as with regards, to dealing with all this appropriately {and with the exception too, been a Comfort culture in all again, and as highly based around Real-Estate that is, and the attempt in all again, to simply look good for others and such that, one goes through life in all ways even, much more easily, and as with regards, to Psychosomatic disease in all too really (and speaking of threats, and even poor reflexes in themselves that is)}. That in all again, the general development of an Avoidant Personality (and as with regards to Pain in all) , is the true cure, and for Psychosomatic disease in general too that is.

In many ways though, is to alert those in Abyssinia {'the Plains'}, that in all ways even, the risk perhaps, of developing Psychosomatic disease (and naturally too even), is actually higher, than in both 'the Savannah', or even the 'Arid areas' too actually.

While in many ways too, many have attempted to deal with Psychosomatic disease, and from a medical/sociological perspective {and as with this even, referring to going to the Gym more often than not}, there is another general way {and as with speak too even, of Business opportunity in all}, of dealing with Psychosomatic disease {and as with this way too, rather scientific in its ways actually}. This in all ways even, and in all again truly does refer, to actually having certain Objects around one, and such that, when Psychosomatic disease starts to take a hold, one can readily resort to these Objects, and as with simply going into a meditative state in all again, and as with speak too even, of losing consciousness in general that is {a good example of this, but not too direct, is the example, of a Cigarette addict, and who in all too, does hide a pack of Cigarettes somewhat close (but not too close that is), and in all again, choosing to resort to smoking it, when they can no longer fight the pain that is (and as with it arising, and from Psychosomatic disease too that is)} {but in all ways too even, this too, speaking of the rise in Cigarette addictions, and in our present Times/Ages too that is} {another example, speaks of the rise of addiction to masturbation even, as with it, highly based around Psychosomatic disease in itself, and in all ways even, the attempts by some, to remain stable and as with regards to all this, and by housing/keeping, a 'stash' of pornography in all, and in a place too, somewhat readily available in all too even, should they realize perhaps, they can no longer fight the pain that is}.

In all, here are some general ideas, and for such Goods in all again (and as with engagement in Sex, and to deal with Psychosomatic disease too, highly discouraged, and as with speak too even, of the danger of becoming a Sex addict in all, and as compared to a masturbation addict that is, as Sex addicts in all again, could very well engage in rape, or even pedophilia in itself actually), and Goods too, that could in general, create stable environments, and as with regards, to dealing with Psychosomatic disease that is:

1. Saunas/Spas
2. Hot/Chilli Sauce
3. Stretching exercises
4. Chocolates (and Chocolate drinks)
5. Green Teas
6. Aromatherapy
7. Meditative music