Friday 11 May 2012



To speak of an Abyssinian Heritage in all, is to perhaps best put it in all again, in perspective actually (and as with the times too even), by speaking in all again of Kenyan Heritage actually. Kenyan Heritage in all, may very well be said, to have been created in all again, by the efforts, of one single Family: the Adamson Family. To best perceive this, is to refer to Heritage in all again, and as just what for instance, one would plan to do during the weekend, after work, when bored at home, or even truly again, when thinking of doing something rather late at night actually.

In all, Kenya's Heritage as such, came to be highly defined by the Adamson Family, and as with they even, having in many ways, truly invented modern tribal Kenya actually {and as with their promoting even, of all kinds of Cultural festivities, whereby, so said different tribes in all (and as with they localized even), would in all again, exchange Cultural ideas actually}. In all, this very birth of modern tribal Kenya, did lead in all again, to attempts to create a core Kenyan Identity even (and as with issues pertaining even, to Independence in itself) {and as with White Kenyans too, still calling in many ways, for segregative measures to some extent actually}, but in many ways too (and as with referring in all again, to the end of the 80's in themselves), referring in all again, to a rather beloved Kenya even, and one too, not highly based around Family gatherings of a kind actually (and as with many a Popular spot even, targeted towards Family that is) {and before the rise of 'Media Kenya' too, and in the 90's too that is}, but also, Government driven Community efforts in all {and as with Government then, highly even, attempting to solve problems, at the Local/Community level, and not the Provincial/City level either} {and as with speak too even, of delivering free milk in all (and by the Nyayo Government too), to many a poor Community seen all over Kenya too actually}.

In many ways again though, to speak of Abyssinia and Heritage in all, is to somewhat redirect all these efforts, and more or less away, from a Kenyan Consciousness perhaps, and towards in all again, viewing Heritage, from the perspective of 'the Savannah', 'the Plains', and the 'Arid areas' too actually {and within Abyssinia too that is}.

The Savannah: Victorian Cultural Institutes

The Plains: European Cultural Institutes

The Arid areas: African/International Cultural Institutes

Photo notes:

Victorian Cultural Institutes {and with this in all again, referring to Cultural Institutes, mainly seen in Victorian England actually, and such as the Royal Archeological Society, or even the Royal Historical Society} {and attempts even perhaps, to help those in 'the Savannah', connect to Royalty even, and as seen around the World too actually}; European Cultural Institutes {from the Goethe Cultural Institute, the Italian Institute of Culture, Alliance Francaise etc., and as with they even, holding Cultural festivities even, capable of helping one, design in all, an Indigenous Heritage, and for those in 'the Plains' too actually} {and as with furtherly stating that, the whole goal of this, is to connect to the Celebrity/Famed Personalities world, seen out there and in the rest of the World too actually}; African/International Cultural Institutes {and as with saying that these Institutes in all, should in many ways even, be primarily driven towards Commercial activities, and as with telling even, many a small-time Investor in Asia perhaps, that the 'Arid areas' of Abyssinia, do hold alot of promise, and as with regards even, to entering the World Markets actually. To understand this better, is to speak of American presences in the 'Arid areas' in all, and presences too, capable of helping take a small-time Investor in Asia for instance, and into the World Markets again (and including America too), and as highly based around, such an Investor in all again, operating in Abyssinia in all ('the 'Arid areas'), and as based around an International Cultural Institute too actually (and as with one even, setting up one by themselves actually); in all again, lots of promise perhaps, in Commercial activity even, and not only within the 'Arid areas' specifically (and for an Investor operating around the Cultural Institute format), but Americans presences in all again, that can serve as advisors even, and in helping enter the World Markets too actually (and as with speak of a small-time Investor that is)}.