Thursday 24 May 2012

Letters from Le Republique (2)

The Final Word.

My Dear Lady Katko,

Once again I write to you with respect to the happenings here at Le Republique that may be of interest to you and my Lady, a lot has happened here lately with respect to significance.

That was only part of it my Lady, even more happened yesterday which was and still is of great concern to us all. I had spoke with Le Monsieur about letting you in on what has and had transpired but he was outrightly against it. “No Foxy!! No word to Catherine; she does not handle such news well.” Yet again my Ladyship, I feel it is my duty to make you aware of what has and had transpired since when I last wrote to you.

It all began on Sunday evening when were simply ‘chillin’ as Count Villi would say when somewhat, we found ourselves playing the “Who do I look like” game. It all started with Le Monsieur, when he claimed that Villi looked very much like an owl. Villi was not much amused but he was more considerate when he told Le Monsieur that he looked very much like a Venetian Blackamoor. We knew not what he meant until he showed us this photo,

We looked at the photo several times for it looked very much like Le Monsieur yet again, not so. It confounded us until Le Monsieur claimed that he believed that he looked like MJ in his “Thriller years”. I knew not what he meant until he himself produced a photo too.

Again we partially agreed but something seemed not to be exactly right.

Monsignor who had been silent all along put up his hand and started waving it frantically while saying, “Me, me; what about me?!” We all turned to him and Count Villi claimed that Monsignor looked a lot like a certain Daniel da Silva who “hangs out” according to him, at ‘Sture Plan’. Monsignor appeared not to be amused to say the least and he picked up a cushion and threw it at Villi. Yes my Lady, you read that right; here at Le Republique, we still have chair cushions.

Count Villi managed to evade the cushion which crashed into the draperies behind and then got up to leave the room. As he got to the exit, he looked back at us all and extending his arm out until it touched the exit wall; put one leg forward, raised his eyebrows rapidly before saying “sexy, sexy” and finally wiggled his bottom before finally exiting. Monsignor not to be outdone ran towards Villi and jumped so as to tackle him from the back. Villi seemed to have become aware of Monsignors intentions for he unveiled a terrifying ‘back sidekick’ to Monsignors chest which had Monsignor flying back into the room like a tennis ball. Monsignor crashed into a chest of drawers nearby before tumbling to the floor while shouting, “Mein Head, mein head; pourquoi tu kick mein Head?!” Villi simply looked back at Monsignor and started to leave the scene when Le Monsieur jumped up quickly and ran towards Villi and apprehended him. He shouted towards me, “Quick Foxy, we can’t let him get away.” Le Monsieur was referring to the possibility of Count Villi going for a long walk as he does when such events occur. I ran up to Le Monsieur and we dragged away the struggling Sir Pancho to the Library where we locked him up. He on the other hand shouted out expletives at us while demanding that we let him out. Le Monsieur was totally against it. He said to me, “We cannot let this type of behaviour be condoned in Le Republique Foxy, not while it is under my watch.”

At the end of it all, we called Mr. Mutombo who agreed to help resolve the matter once and for all. That of the ‘Cult of Kat’ and its future. “For the sake of Le Republique, please!!” cried out Le Monsieur to Mr. Mutombo, “you must help us resolve this matter.” Mr. Mutombo did agree to do as asked and on Wednesday he arrived together with a friend of his who had agreed to play a moderating role alongside him. The friends name was Monsieur deMalaga. Several others were asked to come along my Lady, including Mathias, our Mathias, who arrived dressed in a ‘T-shirt’ and ‘Jeans’ as always. The whole debacle was to take place on the front lawn and two tables had been set out in the air. One to host Sir Pancho and Mr. Mutombo and the other, Superior General Wilhem and Monsieur Malaga. And so my Lady, the stage was set for what would be a most revealing and entertaining set of events with regards to intentions and resolve.

The Wednesday which was to play guest to this strange event began whistful and ever gracious. We all congregated to the lawn and waited for the spectacle to begin. There were loads of folks my Lady, some neighbours and some who heard the commotion and came to see what was travailing. I had promised my Lady to keep a journal of what ever happened to pass, that would be of interest to you and keep I did. I now present to you my writings my Lady; that you too may be in the know of “whats up” as Count Villi would say and ever have your very own opinion of this whole matter; after all, it does very much concern you and your future. So, without further delay, here goes:


Wednesday April 15th 2009

9:00 a.m.: The Arrivals

It is 9 in the morning and I am seated on the lawn alongside one ‘Mathias the Deutsch’ as he is known. All is quiet at the moment. Very few people have arrived and we all sit patiently awaiting both parties to arrive. The air is clean and the morning dew rests on the grass in a manner which can best be described as pleasant.

It is half past 9 at the moment and as we continue to rejoin with others out in the open, the doors to Le Republique are opened to a great hush as 4 figures make their way out to the lawn. From where I am seated, I can spot Count Villi, Mr. Mutombo, Monsieur deMalaga and finally Wilhem, make their way to the tables set out for them. Both parties take to their seats and sit while looking at each other. Le Monsieur hurries out of Le Republique and stands right between the two parties and begins to make some announcements. The crowd appears restless as if wanting the debate or discussion to begin. It very much appears as if they came to see a fight. Le Monsieur finishes up with his pleasantries and all is set to begin.

10.00 a.m.: The Commencement

Mr. Mutombo gets up from his seat and gives the audience an explanation for the reason of their being there. They appear to be bored and wish his speech to be done. He senses their feelings and is done in a jiffy. He returns to his seat and the whole ordeal commences.

Monsignor gets up and introduces himself to the grouping whom begin to murmur with the word feline being thrown in the air and from somewhere at the back, I hear the word ‘Elitist’. Monsignor is seated and Sir Pancho does like wise to similar sentiments. Cries of Americano from the back are cut down by a stern glare from Monsieur deMalaga and without too many interruptions, Sir Pancho is done and is seated.

It is at this point that the whole process of determining the solution to this situation begins as Monsignor gets up and begins to explain in detail his way of attaining enlightenment via the practice of what he calls ‘Kat Worship’. This is what he has to say,

“Bongiorno my Friends and thank you for coming here today. You are very much aware of what this is all about. But for those who do not know, I will repeat in more detail what Mr. Mutombo said. My name is Monsignor El Pussicatto and I am the Superior General of an organization called the ‘Katians’. We engage in the worship of Kat, a woman of great excellence and uptitude. Yet there are those who disagree with our way of doing this and have sought to interrupt our proceedings……

*There is some shuffling of feet and murmuring from Sir Panchos table. Wilhem looks at Sir Pancho and proceeds.*

……Our way of worshipping Kat is known as ‘Monsignors way’. It is the path, not to happiness but enlightenment via ecstasy. I will explain what I mean for those who might misunderstand me. We believe that the world is filled with people who lack enthusiasm in living life because the rewards promised by conventional society are not fulfilling in anyway. We believe we have the answer which results, not in fulfillment as such, but in ecstasy and bliss which we believe is what enlightenment is. We believe that this ecstasy and bliss can be attained via ‘Kat Worship’. ‘Kat Worship’ deals with the worship of a certain Fraulein…..

*Murmuring in the crowds again. This time at the word Fraulein. The word Deutsch is thrown in the air and Mathias appears to be unsettled. Monsignor continues*

……The worship of Kat, a Fraulein like no other, we believe will not only result in better people but at the same time, solve many of societies problems. The whole process is very simple. We believe that Kat is the most developed Fraulein in just about every way. We believe that society can greatly benefit if all women were to be like Kat. We know that all men easily fall in Love with Kat at first glance…..

*Murmuring as some begin to ask about who Kat is. Mathias shuffles his feet uncomfortably.*

……All men love Kat but not every man has the chance to be loved by Kat. Only very few can. So, we engage in what some may view as a competition. We basically have men attempting to impress Kat by showering her with as many Gifts as they can and whoever impresses Kat the most gets Kats blessing. The end result is a scenario where all the other women begin to feel jealous and reform themselves by behaving just like Kat leading to a happy society. The man who impresses Kat the most gains Kats favour and is awarded a medal and becomes the toast of society and is heavily desired by other women. The end result is enterprising young men who desire to impress Kat so as to become the toast of society and women who wish to receive Gifts just like Kat and become like her leading to competition between the women to better themselves and lesser competition for the men for not everybody has the ability to impress Kat. That my Friends, is ‘Monsignors way’ for a better society.”

*It is now 11.00 a.m. and Count Villi gets up from his seat and heads towards the small podium erected from which Monsignor has just alighted. Sir Pancho begins with his speech.*

“Greetings Citizens and amigos. Thank you all for coming here today and I will attempt to keep this as short as possible. My name is Sir Luther Martin Pancho of Tuxedo and I come from Quebec which is in Canada . As you are all aware of by now, what we are trying to do here is plain out revolutionary. We seek to transform the social fabric of society so as to make society in general more advanced. Let me explain what I mean guys. We believe in a society where freedom is the key to happiness and we believe that such freedom is found in the worship of the ‘Great Kat’. The ‘Great Kat’ is a spiritual entity that is the source of great intelligence. Artistic Intelligence. We believe that by having our citizens worship the ‘Great Kat’ and become Artistic, the end result will be a society that will be prosperous and wind up attracting, not just one but even many Kats to the city. They will love to live in the city because of its prosperity and we believe that as we attract more Kats into the city, they will be the envy of our women in the form of Intelligence mostly, and all our women will desire to be like Kat. In short, it is a city where the men are Artistic and engage in activities like poetry and the women are Scientific and engage in activities like “FDTD” and Capoeira. The end result is a city that can best be described as being a ‘Funhouse’. The more Kats, the merrier. That guys is ‘Le Protester: The way to understanding the Great Kat and the essence of all Kats’ Merci Beaucoup.”

*Count Villi is seated. It is now 12 noon and Mr. Mutombo calls for a recess at which we are required to have refreshments and dialogue with regards to the whole matter. The 2 parties are housed within Le Republique during the break.*

12:30 p.m.: Deliberations and Open Debate

*Talks, which have been termed the ‘Schweinhund Treaty Talks’ resume. The two parties make their way out of Le Republique led by Count Villefort du Maurier. They are seated and the talks restart.*

Mr. Mutombo: “We have all heard what this whole process is all about. Next, the two groups will debate each other over their ideas in an attempt to see who is right. Count Villefort will go first.”

Count Villefort: “You all heard what our buddy here, Monsignor; said about his way of what he calls ‘Kat Worship’ which I can tell ya is nothing short of Idolatory. There are many problems with ‘Monsignors Way’ as he calls his method and I will expose them right about now. Monsignor, you say that when a man gives enough Gifts to Kat, he becomes esteemed and is given a medal to show it. This leads to his being a praised by society which apparently leads to bliss and ecstasy. How is this so since it does not make any sense to me at all?”

*Villi is seated, Monsignor gets up and speaks towards Villi.*

Monsignor: “This is not hard to understand. It is as you said, when a man gives many Gifts to Kat, he is awarded a medal and is praised by the others. This leads to bliss and ecstasy.”

Count Villi: *shaking his head* “How is this possible Monsignor. From what I can make of it, the man is praised by others you say; whom, I can only make out to be women. Not the men whom I would expect to be jealous of him.”

Monsignor: “That is correct. The women praise the man and the other men try to become like him which leads to competition.”

Count Villefort: “Monsignor, you are aware of the obvious fact that when many women praise a man, it leads to competition between them and to eventually to lots of Sexo. Monsignor, is ‘Monsignors way’ a Sex Cult?”

*Monsignor looks very agitated and wakes up with a slight difficulty.*

Monsignor: “These things you say are not true. ‘Monsignors way’ is not a Sexo Cult. It is very easy to know this. When the man is esteemed by Kat, the other women will try to become like Kat so that they too can get many Gifts. The men will also try to become like the man so that they too can be esteemed by Kat and receive praise.”

Count Villefort: “Again Monsignor, how in sam’s hell does this lead to ecstasy and bliss?”

*Count Villefort is seated with a look of finality on his face.*

Monsignor: “He will receive praise and become ecstatic. This is not difficult to understand. It is very simple.”

Count Villi: *shaking head* “Your idea sounds right theoretically but you have not taken any measures to deal with what would happen in a situation where the system was to breakdown. From where I am Monsignor, it very much appears to me that your system could very well lead to a situation where the women, unable of becoming like Kat, throw themselves at the man Sexually so as to get gifts from him too. The men on the other hand, become jealous of the man and may even attempt to destroy him out of envy. This society you seek to create could very well disintegrate into a society led by the jealousy of the women for Kat, envy by the men and lots of lust both sexual and violent. They are absolutely no measures to prevent this from happening on your part.”

*Monsignor appears to be shocked as if exposed. He begins to tremble a little. Monsieur deMalaga swiftly holds his arm and begins to talk to him silently. Monsignor shakes his head vigorously as if understanding and at the same time not knowing.*

Monsignor: “This measures you speak of are being discussed by me and others. They shall soon be put into place. Then everything will be okay.”

*Count Villi stands up again with a look of disappointment on his face.*

Villi: “monsignor, can you give us even one example of a measure you have come up with to prevent any of this from happening.”

Monsignor: “These things are being discussed at the moment and I cannot say anything about them until the discussions are finished.”

Villi: “It very much appears to me Monsignor that neither you or your cohorts have any idea of what you are doing. The fallacy in your idea is obvious. The system could easily breakdown leading to a gigantum collapse in society. Have you read the Illiad by Homer Monsignor? It very much explains a society similar to that which you seek to create.”

*Villi is seated with a satisfied look on his face. Monsignor El Pussicato gets up and proceeds to speak.*

Monsignor El Pussicato: “It is good that you have mentioned this book. It is a great Western classic and we would very much wish to create a society like that of the Trojans and Greeks. One of great men and beautiful women.”

Count Villi: “Monsignor, did you even hear a word of what I said? The society discussed in the Illiad is not a civilized society. It is one ruled by lust, jealousy, envy and lots of violence. The so called ‘beautiful women’ and ‘great men’ you refer to are allegorical in nature and do not tell of the true nature of these people. They are all beasts who kill and plunder to satisfy the whims of these so called ‘beautiful women’.”

*Monsignor is visibly angry and gets up and speaks with a tremor in his voice.*

Monsignor: “This is blasphemous what you say. Everyone knows Lady Kathleen is not a beast. She would never allow this. She would put an end to it.”

Count Villi: “This is not about what Lady Kathleen as you call her, or Kat allows and does not allow. Once you create a society driven by lust, the whole situation will be totally out of her hands. Who knows, they may even decide to kill her for not being like them.”

Monsignor: “That would never happen. There are measures to prevent that from happening. Kathleen is an inspiration and a society without her will be dead in many ways. The men will not be inspired to please the other women. It will be a simple society.”

*Count Villi looking a bit perplexed stands up and begins…..*

Villi: It is interesting what you say for such a scenario could very well happen. The only way it could not happen is if Kat was totally perfect in many ways. So perfect that the men would admire her from afar while the women would hate her and not want to see her at all. Kat could very much be a symbol of civility in a barbaric society to remind others that there is a way out.”

*Monsignor appears to be shaking his head in approval and looking mightily pleased.*

Villi: “yet again Monsignor, this whole scenario is just one of many plausible scenarios that could exist. It appears to me that this is all dependent on Kat being perfect always. Tell me Monsignor, what have you done to ensure that Kat always remains perfect. You say Kat is an inspiration but I see no one inspiring Kat to become better. No spiritual entity that is.”

Monsignor: “You are a blasphemer. Everybody knows that Kat is perfect. Everybody!!”

Count Villi: “Who is everybody Monsignor? I know that Kat is not perfect. Far from it: despite what you may believe. Yet again Monsignor, what happens if Kat was to die? Does ‘civilization’ cease to exist?”

*Count Villi speaks while putting an emphasis on civilization by curling fingers from both hands.*

Monsignor: “This is also been discussed. It is a measure we are putting into place to prevent something like that from happening.”

Villi: *looking agitated* “Good grief Monsignor, you have no idea in any manner of what you speak off. How will you be able to prevent such a likely event as Kats death from happening? Keep her locked up in a tower somewhere perhaps so that she never goes anywhere even outside?”

Monsignor: “Maybe not, we could…….

*monsignor is interrupted by Monsieur deMalaga who speaks to him. Monsignor shakes his head again, less vigorously and this time in agreement only.*

Monsignor: “………we could have an armed guard go everywhere she goes so as to protect her. Something like the Musketeers. She could go around with them and this will enable others to see her oftenly and be amazed by her beauty.”

Villi: *shaking his head* “Looks to me Monsignor, that you are simply taking us in circles here. You have an idea that sounds good theoretically but is dismal practically. Too many unnecessary problems. And all this is based on your crazy if not mad belief that Kat is perfect. You need help Monsignor. You need lots of it.”

Monsignor: “Kat is perfect and even if she is not……”

*Monsignor trails off in his speech and there are murmurs in the crowd.*

Monsignor: “We shall have a group of people to judge her to see if she is perfect. They will decide whether she is perfect.”

*Villi gets up while shaking his head.*

Count Villefort: “So you now admit that there is a possibility that Kat is not perfect. And who are these people who are going to judge her? And what will their judgment be based on? Looks to me Monsignor that this may very well collapse into a situation where these so called Judges judge Kat based on their own limitations. Even worse could be a scenario where the women judge Kat so as to make her more like them.”

Monsignor: “As I said before, these things are being discussed and measures are being put into place to prevent this.”

*There is heavy murmuring in the crowds. The lots do not seem to be too satisfied with Monsignors replies. Count Villi once again.*

Count Villi: “From what you have just told us Monsignor, what I can make of all this is that you seek to create a system that is very similar to the open market system. A situation where men seek money and wealth to impress women so as to get sexo from them. The women, and especially Kat, appear very much to be like celebrities and these so called judges you talk off are similar to human rights organizations and even the paparazzi. And the person who has to pay for all this to ensure that the system remains stable is Kat. She has to be ‘perfect’ as you say, not by actually becoming perfect, but by being hidden from society and then paraded around as being perfect occasionally. If others were to discover that she is not perfect, the women would try to destroy her by attempting to make her like them. The men on the other hand would lose their inspiration to seek wealth. The system would eventually collapse, not to the simple life as you say, but to the primitive life. You will soon be worshipping stones for that’s what you really are, Idolators’.”

*Monsignor looks very much confused. He appears to know not what to say and Monsieur deMalaga speaks to him and Monsignor appears to agree by shaking his head solemnly. Monsieur deMalaga stands up.*

Monsieur deMalaga: “You have heard what has been said. Some I agree with, some I do not. I now speak for Monsignor Pussicato. The Count has many good points. That I cannot disagree with. Yet again, he appears to only see the negative side of this theory. We can all agree that the system is in trouble if this Kat you speak off is not perfect. The solution appears to me that we get another Kat. Yet it looks to me that if the society was to be made aware of the possibility of collapse and the con-se-quen-ces, then the people might decide to make it work perfectly.”

*Monsieur deMalaga poses for a while and continues*

Monsieur deMalaga: “I will now speak for Monsignor El Pussicato. I will continue this debate on his behalf. We shall now turn to the Counts theory and see how it applies as well. The Count says that central to his system of thought is the worship of a ‘Great Kat’. Maybe the Count tells us who this ‘Great Kat’ is.”

*Sir Pancho gets up.*

Sir Pancho: “Central to the idea of worshipping the ‘Great Kat’ is the belief in developing Artistic intelligence. The ‘Great Kat’ is any spiritual entity that helps in developing this intelligence.”

Monsieur deMalaga: “That is interesting. I agree with it. But what inspires the young men to become Artists? What if they want to do something else? It appears to me to be very dogmatic while appearing to be very open.”

Sir Pancho: “Thats a good question I daresay. We wish to develop what is known as a city and all its denizens will be Artists. If they wish to do other things, then they move to a place where they can do what they wish to do.”

Monsieur deMalaga: “It looks like you separate families like that. That is not good. Families must stay together. Yet again, one may wonder if this so called city is civilise (French). It looks like you have fun all the time and no serious work.”

Sir Pancho: “It very much looks like it from your perspective Monsieur deMalaga but we Americanos choose how we live life. If we want to “party” all day and ‘Rock n Roll’ all night, then so be it. We do create great Artistic works which we sell and buy other things with the profits.”

Monsieur deMalaga: “It is difficile to know why you seek to live like this but maybe you are right. Maybe it is civilized, I do not know this: I have never lived such a life before. Your theory appears to have no problems with it but one cannot be sure how good it is until it has been lived. It appears to very much have to do with the senses and not with the passions like ‘Monsignors way’. It is a very different life and some may not be satisfied with it. They may seek to disrupt it by bringing passion into this city of yours. They could become criminals or simply move away to another place.”

*Sir Pancho gets up while shaking his head pensively.*

Sir Pancho: “It is probably true what you say; infact, it maybe very well be true that this will happen. Who knows, they will probably move to another city with a different Artistic culture and live there for a while and then come back or move to another place. They might become criminals too. Who knows. These are things that can only be resolved when they happen really but they do not appear to me to be big disruptions.”

Monsieur deMalaga: “It is good that you see the problems with your system. The problem then becomes that people have no relationships. They have no family. They are wanderers who simply move from one place to another with no end in sight. This is dangerous for society could easily collapse like this.”

Sir Pancho: “It could happen but people will form different types of families. A group of painters could see each other as family. So too could a group of capoeiristas. It’s a whole new definition of family that is possible.”

Monsieur deMalaga: “What you suggest is controversial. You totally redefine the human being. From one of blood to one of intelligence. One then becomes a different type of human being. It could very much explain to me why many of you Americanos look differ-rent from Europeans. You have a very di-fferent look. Even your behaviour is di-ffe-rent. You seek to create new races.”

Sir Pancho: “Well, if you put it that way, that is very much possible.”

Monsieur deMalaga: “This division is not too good. It could lead to divisions within society where everybody becomes sel-fish. They pay their allegiance to their group. They become passionate about it. Maybe this leads to internal strife and war.”

Sir Pancho: “No Mr. Malaga, this cannot happen in an Artistic society. The divisions will not create any animosity between the groups for they are totally different. They are different artists. If there will be any animosity, its between those of the same group.”

Monsieur deMalaga: “You make a good point. These kind of divisions happen mostly in societies based on blood. Like me, I do not speak to my cousin who lives in Madrid anymore. We don’t like each other anymore. Yet again, these divisions of yours lead to different ways of living between groups that may complicate things for the others. One Artist does this, the other is not too happy. There is no cohesion. How you stop this?”

*Silence from Sir Pancho for a minute or two.*

Sir Pancho: “I have no answer to this question. It appears to be very possible what you say and the only solution I can make out is to have lots of land where the Artists live separately safely away from the others who may lead to trouble. That’s what I can think of.”

Monsieur deMalaga: “This is very possible what you say. You need lots of land for this but there is lots of Land in America. Yet again, you divide society too much and each Artist group becomes its own entity somewhat and only meet in this city of yours. That is good. Very divided, each living their own lives. Very much like many Republics. This to me Senor appears to be an Americano ideology and it looks like you want to make us all Americanos.”

*Sir Pancho appears annoyed at the suggestion and quickly turns to Mr. Mutombo and asks a question. Mr. Mutombo replies and Sir Pancho speaks…*

Sir Pancho: “It is not true what you just said. It is simply an Idea, not an American idea. Its simply an idea and that’s all there is to it.”

*Sir Pancho sits in a huff.*

Monsieur deMalaga: “It is not that I wish to annoy you but you see the problem here. We are Europeans. We are tied to our land by blood. That’s why we look different by the region. You look different by the Art you practise. You no care too much for the land. Only for the Arts and the city. We love the Land and that’s why we keep it very clean. You only love yourself really and maybe not even the Arts. You use the Arts to love yourself and care not too much for the Art itself. We Europeans love the Art for itself. We don’t care for us too much. Beautiful Land we believe make beautiful people. We seek to have beauty around us. You seek to make yourself beautiful and even your city is shaped to make you behave beautifully. You care nothing for the land. Maybe that’s why you have too many problems with the Indianos.”

*Sir Panchos looks slightly annoyed and shuffles his feet.*

Monsieur deMalaga: “I do not say this to annoy anyone but the truth is that people everywhere care for their Land. Only you Americanos no do this. That’s why you are different from everybody else. Maybe similar to the Japanese. Maybe you are a different being too. Maybe not.”

*Monsieur deMalaga sits down after having stood up during the whole process and Mr. Mutombo arises to speak.*

Mr. Mutombo: “We shall take questions now from you. Anybody who has a good question to ask please rise and ask.”

*There is some movement in the crowds and nobody appears to wish to ask anything until a hand is put up and the man proceeds to ask a question.”

Man in Crowds: “To the Monsignor, I have a question. You say that the name of your organization is the Katians. Who is the inspiration behind this?”

*Monsignor appears to be reluctant to answer the question.*

Monsignor: “The inspiration for the Katians are older organizations like the Franciscans and Dominicans.”

*Same man in the crowds puts the same question to Villi in another format.*

Count Villi: “Well, I would say that the inspiration for ‘Le Protester’ would very much be the Jesuits. We would refer to ourselves as the ‘Kesuits’.”

*Monsignor rolls eyes on hearing Jesuits. Another question towards Monsignor by another man.*

Man in Crowds: “Mr. Monsignor, You of course know that the Dominicans and Fransiscans were involved in a lot of corrupt activities in old Europe. How do you intend to resolve this problem should it occur in your own organization.”

*Crowds turn to look at the man who asked the question. He appears to be a young American man.*

Monsignor: “We have heard of this but many of them appear to be rumours. There will be no corruption under my leadership. Thank you.”

*Murmurs in the crowd that are interrupted by Count Villi shouting*

Count Villi: “Oh c’mon Monsignor, is that the best you have got to say. We know how it works. You give Gifts to Kat and she remains insatiable. She wants more and more and not just more but better and better. Then what Monsignor? Today its little medals for impressing Kat with small Gifts, tomorrow its plunder, stealing or even worse colonialism; maybe even Slavery or even much worse, Conquistador-ism. Where does this madness end of Kat wanting more and more?”

*monsignor appears visibly angry and jumps up from his chair screaming…*

Monsignor: “You cannot say these things. They are terrible things you say, you cannot speak of them here!!!”

Count Villi: “Why Monsignor? Because they are the truth?”

Monsignor: “LIAR!!!! YOU Are a LIAR!!!”

*Mr. Mutombo stands up and asks the two to desist from the attacks. Monsieur deMalaga puts his hand on Monsignors arm and speaks to him. Monsignor appears to agree to everything said and simply sits back. Another question to Count Villi this time.*

Man: “In order to practice your way of worshipping the ‘Great Kat’, does it mean that we have to move to America?”

Count Villi: “One could say that. It is a different way of living than here although one could very well choose to live like this here in Europe.”

*Murmuring in the crowds and the word Colonialist is thrown about. Monsieur deMalaga interjects on behalf of Villi.*

Monsieur deMalaga: “That could be possible but it is not the best. Too many differences. Could easily lead to a fight due to smallest factors. Not healthy for the land too. We here in Europe have a ‘way of life’. You Americanos have lifestyles or what some call ‘the active life’. Too many differences. Too many problems.”

*Crowds await for someone else to ask a question but the procedure is interrupted by a shouting match that seems to have erupted between Monsignor and Count Villi.*

Monsignor: “YOU ARE A LIAR!!!! A LIAR!!!!”

Count Villi: “The only Liar here is you Monsignor, Mr. Sexy Sexy…”

*Count Villi wiggles his bottom at Monsignor. Monsignor jumps up from his chair and leaps towards Count Villi before Monsieur deMalaga can control him. He leaps onto Villi and the two start struggling with each other. Mr. Mutombo quickly seperates them but the shouting match continues…..*



*Monsignor appears to attempt to jump on Villi again but is stopped this time by Monsieur deMalaga. He however keeps on shouting…..*


*The two are quickly led away by Mr. Mutombo, Monsieur deMalaga and Le Monsieur CFK (Crazy For Kat) back into Le Republique. Later on, Le Monsieur appears to announce that private meetings are being held with respect to the matter.*

*We sit and start conversing with each other with regards to the ordeal. Mathias the Deutsch appears to be irritated and denounces Villi for calling Monsignor a Conquistador. The others agree although there is a voice here and there that speaks for Villi. They appear to be Canadian and Australian. As we continue deliberating on this matter, the doors to Le Republique open and Mr. Mutombo comes out alone. He appears to be waving his hands at us. He asks of us to be quiet. We slimmer in our places and as we are about to proceed, Mr. Mutombo begins to speak.*

*I cannot here what he says my Lady. Let me get myself to a better vantage point from where I can see and hear all. Mr. Mutombo appears to be slightly offended and……….....A moment my Lady!………….. ……….It cannot be. It cannot be so. Can it?!!! A moment my Lady until I am certain of what I am hearing…………………………..Mon Dieu!! Mon Dieu!! Mein Gott!!! WAR has just been declared my Lady ..……. May God bless us all…It is 7:30 p.m. as I write this.

7:35 p.m.: Schweinhund Treaty Talks aborted.