Sunday 13 May 2012



Arab East Africa.

The region known as East Africa, is today fondly even, oft too often, associated with the EAC (East African Community) or even the EAF (East African Federation). However though, the place as a region, does have its origins, with what they do term German East Africa actually. In all, East Africa, has historically in all too really, been nothing more than a country actually (and with East Africa, traditionally in all associated with small business, and the East African Indian community too that is).

Anatolia though, is now said in all again, to be the true name of Arab East Africa. And with this though, mainly referring to Brown skinned Arabs actually . In many ways too, and as with the Arab world as it is at the present, based around Iraq, the Swahili Coast (Shiraz), and even Central Asia, the whole goal, is to make Anatolia in all, the premier Arab country, and for Brown skinned Arabs too that is .

In all though, the Arab to East Africa in all will be mainly perceived as a Property Developer actually. However, the whole goal of Anatolia, is to create an existence in all again , whereby all forms and kinds even, of advice, and originating with Arab Scholarship, will be offered, and in helping turn those in all, who do strongly identify as East African (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania), or Anatolian to be specific even, garner in all again, lots of Wealth actually, and as highly based around, Arab wisdom in all that is .

In all again though, for those in East Africa and not too sure what this does mean exactly, is to associate the Arab in East Africa, with 'Ali Baba or the Forty Thieves' actually, and as with this story in many ways, representing just whom, the Arab and Archetypically too, is within Arab East Africa that is .

In all again, Anatolia too, existing only in the form of a Blog actually, advising those who do consider East Africa in all again and as their primary home even, on just how in all, to live the most humourous, fun filled, exciting, danger filled, and happiest of lives too actually.

'the Arab'

Voi (the tourism side), Anatolia/Kenya