Thursday 10 May 2012



Cairo is a City in all, and alongside Johannesburg too actually, that does attempt to present itself, and as a rather important Center in all, and of Development, and within Africa too that is {and as with Cairo, fashioning itself, as the Financial Center of Africa, and with Johannesburg on the other side, fashioning itself, as the Industrial Center of Africa too actually}. Both though, have failed to make any significant impact, on the African Continent in itself {and as with South Africa even, reporting many a bankruptcy, and on attempts by its Government, and Foreign Investors too, in attempting in all again, to invest, within Africa that is}.

To speak of Development in all again, is to say that, in the Modern World, it is very well in all too even, termed as Research & Development actually {and as with this working even, based highly on, how specialized in nature, it is: and as with Tribal Research & Development, Indigenous Research & Development (and in all again, not just merely stating that, one is engaging in Research & Development in itself that is)} {and as many an African Country today too, does state in all (and with Western Research & Development on the otherhand, in many ways even, tending to be rather concentrated in all, and in what one could call City Research & Development actually)} {and as with any deemed important City in the Western World, housing a City based Research Wing, and within a University or two, and as to be seen in such a City that is}.

There are however others ways in all, to go about dealing with Development in all too really. Take the Wiemar Republic in Germany for instance, and responsible in all again, for giving birth in many ways, to modern Industry actually, and as with it even, highly basing its Research/Development efforts in all, and as highly based around Intelligence Gathering actually (and as with all this even, formulated in all too really around Policy Research & Development too that is)}.

When it comes to Africa though, Research/Development, does take interesting proportions in all too really. While Abyssinia in all again, does stake its Research/Development efforts, on Religious Thought/Studies {and as with speak too even, of University Education in the old World, highly based around Religious Studies in themselves actually}, it is perceived in all again that, Development issues in all, and within Africa too, tend to take, a rather highly decentralized form actually {and as with stating that, Africa to this very day, does highly function even, and as based around, decentralized Networks too that is}. In all, Cairo, could best perhaps in all again, change its role even, and still maintain its wishes too, of being an important Center of Research/Development in Africa perhaps, and as based around, its engaging in Lingual/Linguistics Research & Development that is {that Africa in all again, does see just about any improvement in life, go along with Language specifically, and that Africa too, truly lags the rest of the World in Research/Development, due to only this fact even (of its developing, along Lingual lines), but also in all again that, the very fact that, Lingual/Linguistic Development in all, and within Africa too, is in the hands of its Womenfolk actually (and a group too, that has perhaps in all again, done a great job in mismanaging in all too really, this very important area of African life that is)}.