Thursday 3 May 2012

A Letter of Appeal

A Letter of Appeal.

To the Office of the Mayor of Nairobi (or to the Mayor himself specifically):

This is a Letter of Appeal and in many ways, as with regards mainly, to the very area of Karen/Lakeview (and with Lakeview here, referring to the famed 'Ngong Hills' of Nairobi too that is). The problem in all here is that, Karen/Lakeview is in many ways truly, one of the very prime locations, within Nairobi itself. It in many ways too, houses excellent in all too even, Real Estate opportunities, but there is a problem in all again, with regards to just how in all, to go about doing all this actually.

Karen/Lakeview in all, is a place truly, that did originally develop in all again, highly based around the Crop Farming & Animal Husbandry Industries. That in all again, just about everything to do with the place, was primarily in all too even, associated with Crop Farming & Animal Husbandry {and as with even the simple rearing in all, of Horses too actually}. In many ways, everything in it initially, from Housing, to Eateries, and even the Karen Shopping Center area in itself, was highly based around a Design, highly in all again, associated truly, with lifestyles in all again, that did go with the Crop Farming & Animal Husbandry in many ways truly {and as with even, speak of what kind of Housing Design, was truly suitable for the place actually}.

In accordance in many ways though, and with the so termed 'Abyssinian Economic Federation',

is to in all again say that, it is believed that development of the place in all (Karen/Lakeview), does go well hand in hand, with not only Crop Farming & Animal Husbandry in all that is, but also in many ways truly, with the Hospitality Industry, the Publishing Industry, and the very world even, of Mechanical Engineering too actually. The problem though, is just how to go about doing all this: and as with stating that, the Crop Farming & Animal Husbandry Industries, are of prime importance and as with regards to all this. However, any other additions and as associated even, with Hospitality or even truly again, the very world of Publishing/Education, must in all again, be in agreement with the original existences planned out originally, for Karen/Lakeview: that being Crop Farming & Animal Husbandry. A good example of this, of an added existence to all this perhaps, is the Co-operative College of Kenya, and which does offer education in all, very much Agricultural based actually, and in agreement in many ways, with the the original existences planned out for Karen/Lakeview (that being, those associated in all again, with Crop Farming & Animal Husbandry too that is).

All this though, is not true for example, for the Catholic University {situated in Karen, but offering an education in all, highly based around Hospitality, but Hospitality too, touristic in nature, and not in accordance with Hospitality, as associated in all again, with the Crop Farming & Animal Husbandry Industries perhaps} {and with a good example of all this again, being the Talisman Restaurant & Bar, that does go along with 'Animal Husbandry' based lifestyles in all too really}.

In all though, the main problem here has to do with the very question of Design actually. That in all, the original Design deemed suitable for Karen/Lakeview, was very much European/Italian in its ways too. What though has happened is that, you have lots of developments in all, and surprisingly again, highly associated with not only Hospitality, Publishing/Education (and as with the case of the Catholic University that is), and even Mechanical Engineering (and as with many a Hardware store, Repair shop and Petrol station even, to be seen especially, in the 'Ngong hills'/Lakeview area actually), that are in all again, highly based around Design in all, not truly suited for Karen/Lakeview, and in many ways truly, lowering the very value, of living in the place actually (and as with these Designs, highly suited in all again, for Lang'ata perhaps). Even worse is that, these Designs in all, are coming in from the Middle East (and a sore to the eye too actually; and as with even saying that, African Designs are far more highly preferable that is), but in all ways again, is to also add that, these new developments in all, do support all kinds of Hospitality, Publishing/Education and 'Mechanical Engineering' based, initiatives in all, that have no absolute bearing or association in all too even, with those living in Karen/Lakeview (absolutely none), and in all ways truly even, truly lowering the value, of property, and as seen in Karen/Lakeview too that is.

In all, Karen/Lakeview has attracted to it, all kinds of vagabonds even, coming in, and to simply again walk around doing nothing much actually, and in many ways too really, it does appear that, it is the rather wayward Hospitality Industry popping up in Karen/Lakeview, that is responsible in all for this (and as with even, a 'nerd' perhaps, having gone as far as putting up, touristic hostels for visitors to Nairobi, and within Karen/Lakeview too that is; and as with furtherly saying that, they could very well at the very least have been Lodges that is).

Hopefully, all this will be taken into consideration, as I am very sure that, there is many a 'Mzungu' in the place (Karen/Lakeview), rather unhappy about their not being able to ride their Horses, and mainly due to the very high traffic in all (car and pedestrian), developing in all again, due to all these new developments (in Hospitality, Publishing/Education etc.), that in many ways too, are not geared or suited even, for those actually living, within Karen/Lakeview in itself actually. Hopefully again, measures will be taken to prevent all this from continuing to happen, and help in all again save, what can truly be considered prime property in all, and within Nairobi too that is (and as with Karen/Lakeview that is, part of the little in all, that is truly good about Nairobi today actually). Hopefully, at the very least, all this considered in all again, from a Design perspective (and as with even saying that, the Karen Country Club in all, can truly surely act as a guide in all, and as with regards to Architectural Design issues, and for the Karen/Lakeview area too that is).

Asante sana

Alan Gicheru
