Sunday 6 May 2012



The History of the Modern/Western World, can be highly even, summarized, very much around, the Subconscious and Body Memory too actually {and as with saying that, while life in old Europe for instance, was highly based around the Unconscious and in all too even, the Modern/Western World and which pretends, to have attained the very heights of old Europe, actually in all again, simply merely operates, around the Subconscious in all too really (and as with it even, a much lower Mind, than the Unconscious actually is)}.

In many ways and to best understand all this, is to best in all again, attempt to understand, the very development, of the Modern/Western World {and as with the Modern even, not only arising with the Post-Napoleonic and the Napoloenic Wars actually, but with it in all again, preceding actually, the Western, and in many ways truly} {what this means is that, with the Post-Napoleanic in all, Human life on Earth, enters a stage where life is heavily now, based not only around the Subconscious (and as with everyday routine too perhaps), but in all again, that in all, the Modern does arise then and in many ways too, inorder, to meet with these new challenges of life in many ways truly (and as with the Modern that is), now highly based around not only the Subconscious, but also Body Memory, and in all ways too even, the very attempt to alleviate, any form of misgivings actually, that can be associated in all again, with creating nervous like (or fearful/fears based) Body Memory)}. In many ways, in this now scary World that most then do live in {the rise of the Modern, and fears of Intimidation all over too}, what one then sees {and via South America too even}, is the very rise of the Western in all {and as with it even, highly based around a White Identity that is}, and as with White skinned peoples in all, and in the Western Hemisphere too, beginning to consolidate a White Identity {and as with speak too even, of White Capital Ownership}, and in order, to protect themselves in all, from perceived threats and intimidations, all over {and as with they even, attempting to protect in all, the very lifestyles, they did enjoy and before the breakdown, of the old World Order that is}.

In many ways, all this does result in a World now, highly divided by Skin Colour, and as based around, not only the Subconscious, but in all ways too even, Body Memory actually {and as with saying that, threats and intimidation in all, are now perceived, to very well go hand in hand, with Skin Colour actually}. While the Western/White World, attempts to now consolidate {and again, as with White Ownership of Capital/Resources}, a White Identity, and in North America, South America, and Europe too actually, you do then have certain Brown skinned populations (and from Europe/Italy even), attempting to do the same, in the Middle East {Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia}, and finally in all again, with others in Abyssinia too {Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia} {and as with they even, responsible for giving birth, to the 'Modern'/Liberal/Lettered Middle East too that is}. It is however, the Black skinned populations of the World, that do appear to suffer the most, and in this New World, for it is them in all again, that do eventually suffer from conditions such as Slavery, Colonialism, or even Dictatorships {and due in all again, to their not knowing, how to consolidate themselves, as Black skinned peoples actually (and as with speak too even, of a Black Identity that is)} {and with all this though and in America too perhaps, giving rise to the Civil Rights movement, and in later times, to the very world of Black Identity Scholarship, and Black Supremacy too actually (and as with speak too even, of Black Supremacist Groups and such as the Nation of Islam for instance)} {and as with they even, housing many a Brown skinned population, that can best be called Mixed Race actually}.

In many ways, speak of the so termed Human Condition, speaks in all too even, of not only a life highly based around a mundane Subconscious based existence, but one too, having to it all, all sorts of nervous like ailments, conditions and diseases, and as with speak too even, of threats and intimidations in all, and as programmed even, directly, and not only within our Subconscious, but in many ways truly, defining in all again, our Body Memory actually {with this meaning that, if someone threatens, intimidates or scares one, it is the Subconscious, that tends to immediately take over, and its working efficiently is highly based around, responses and reflexes even, highly associated in all again, with Body Memory actually (and as with speak too even, of the old saying, 'Once bitten, twice shy')}. In all again, one does find that lots of the definitions out there, of Capital, Resources or Technology even, and as with today that is, are highly based around, dealing with Subconscious issues, and as based around even, intimidations, threats and scares in all too even {that in all, a life well lived today, has to it, as few of these, as one can truly hope for actually}.

In many ways truly, and as with speak of many a Local Government out there, there is a way, of helping rehabilitate many a Community out there, and as based around, not only the Subconscious, but also Body Memory, and in all ways too even, the Family in itself actually {and a Model too, highly believed to work rather more easily, in India, than in most other places of the World actually}. In many ways though, terms such as Dynasty for instance, actually do refer to Family Holdings in all, and as with Families even, highly defining themselves in all, as not only based around the Subconscious & Body Memory actually, but in all ways truly, dealing with any ailments or diseases even {and such as nervous conditions}, that do arise and within them too actually {and as with attempting even, to make for the most truly healthy, of Human beings, and who just in all again, cannot be intimidated, scared or threatened even, and by just about anything that is}. In all ways too even, the so termed American Family Dynasties, the Egyptian Dynasties, and even the Maharaja of India, did truly in all again, attempt to build up Societies and Civilizations, highly based around not only the Subconscious & Body Memory, but with this too, highly based around the Family too actually {and as with the most best developed Family in all and as such even, and as with quick adaptability to new routines perhaps, easily even, rising to the top, and as with Dynasty too that is)}.

In all again, a rather easy way of building up Community and Local Government, and one truly based around not only dealing with any Subconscious & Body Memory issues that is {and as with making sure that, ones natural responses, reflexes or even truly again, physical/emotive states, are truly well functioning actually} {and as with furtherly saying that, this can be made possible, by thinking of all this, highly based around coming up, with ingenious even, Products, Goods, Services and Materiality too actually (and as with they even, helping deal with any unnatural responses, poor reflexes, or even truly again, diseased physical/emotive states that is}.

