Thursday 10 May 2012

A Letter of Reference

A Letter of Reference.

To whomever it may concern:

This Letter of Reference, is primarily targeted towards the Office of the Mayor of Nairobi (as with it even, having the possibility of being passed around, and rather than having individual direct communications too, and with the Mayors Office that is), but in many ways even, is probably best targeted, at a European Investor or three, and interested in all again, in investing in Abyssinia/Kenya (and while living in the place that is).

In many ways, this Letter is a call for a solution in all, to deal with a concurrently occurring problem, and within Karen/Lakeview. This problem in all again, has to do with Commercial Interests in the place, and in stating that, most Commercial activity taking place in Karen/Lakeview in all, is not primarily targeted, towards its residents actually (but in many ways even, appears to be in alignment, with Public Transport initiatives in all too really).

What is proposed below though (and as with this not too expensive), and for those primarily residing in Karen (but with Lakeview/Ngong too, able to benefit from all this), is the opening of three main Commercial endeavours, that those in Karen at the very least, and residents too, would highly benefit from actually. Three Commercial endeavours, not believed too difficult to run, and in all ways even, might be of interest specifically (and as a wish too even), to many a European/German Investor, and residing in Kenya and in the present too that is.

1. Butchery & Bakery: The first Commercial endeavour, called for in many ways and for those in Karen specifically that is, is the putting up and running, of a Butchery & Bakery, and preferably too, in the place/spot known as Hardy in Karen that is {and as with saying that, the Hardy Shopping center in all, has truly failed to meet the needs and demands of its proprietors, and that in all again, having it specialize even, in the selling of various Meats and Breads/Confectioneries, would be truly along the lines, of meeting the needs/demands, of those in Karen too actually (and as with Hardy too even, a prime location/spot for all this actually)}.

2. Woolworths: It is also recommended in all again, the very opening of a Woolworths like store (and with Woolworths previously seen in Nairobi, and during the 70's, early 80's, and targeted too, towards those in 'the Plains' actually), and the opening of such a store, in the Nakumatt located in all, towards the three way junction, leading into Lang'ata/'Durnham-Nairobi' in itself, Lakeview/Ngong and finally into Karen too that is (and as with all this even, speaking of the selling of just about anything in all, one could classify as rare, classic, valuables, exotic and finally even, 'Prized' in all too actually).

3. Merchandise stores: It is also recommended the opening in all again, of what they do term a Merchandise store (and in the Karen Shopping area too), and as with the fine example even, of a store such as Teknikmagasinet AB and in Sweden too that is (and in all, a store in all again, Catalogue oriented, and selling only, what they do term Merchandise actually, and not specifically goods or products either).

In all, it is believed that these three Commercial endeavours in all again, are at the very least needed, to help maintain Karen/Lakeview in all, and as a prime spot for Real-Estate in Nairobi in itself (and as with speak too even, of residential lifestyles that is), as there is a danger in all again, of the place slowly turning into a slum actually (and as with regards, to whats transpiring commercially even, and within the place too that is).

Alan Gicheru
