Monday 14 May 2012

The Emblem

The Emblem.

Most out there, when they do think of their current circumstances or states even, never do truly think about them that is, from a hierarchical perspective. They in all though, tend to look at them, from more or less a local organizational perspective {and as with the case even, of the Family that is} {and not, a national organizational perspective even (and as with the case, of failure by Government/Bureaucracy, to deliver that is)}.

To understand this much better, ones circumstances and states, is to acquaint them in all again, with the concept of Rulership {meaning in all again, those who do authorize for instance, resource usage in all too really}.

In many ways though, one does find a World today where, Rulership in all, is highly associated in all again, with what they do term the 'Coat of Arms' actually {and as with Military Insignia even}. This though, does pale with the old World perhaps {and as with old Europe even}, where Rulership in all again, did exist under what one could term Heraldry, 'Coat of Arms', Political Insignia (and such as a Business Brand for instance), and finally even Emblems {and as with they even, far more popular in old Europe for instance and as compared to the other three (and as with Europe too, heavily often associated, with Heraldry that is)} {and as with the Arthurians too in all, operating under the Emblem, of King Arthur that is}.

In all though, one does find/see that, ones circumstances and states in all, and alongside Rulership too even, do tend in all again, to be rather influenced, by the world of Media actually. Take the world of Heraldry for instance, and which often strongly went, with the very world too even, of many a News Gazette actually. That of Political Insignia on the otherhand, could very well be said even, to have invented Advertising in all (and as a Business oriented endeavour too that is) {and not a Commercial driven endeavour specifically}. The world though, of a 'Coat of Arms', and as with today in all again, can be associated, with News Media even, and especially, in the form of the Video actually {that the Video in all again, should not be considered as truly an advancement even, in Human affairs, but that in all again, it is simply a way in all too even, of reporting circumstances and states, that does work rather well even, and for those too, who do choose in all (considering they do have the choice that is), to operate, under the 'Coat of Arms' actually} {meaning in all again, many a popular Business Brand, and as with Gucci Suits even, does not necessarily in all, if at all even, depend on Video, for getting its wares in all again, out to the market for instance (and as with they even heavily depending on Magazine Advertisements that is)} {and in all again, this meaning that, there are people out there, and as with seeking even 'Financial Independence', who do seek in all, not to operate, under the Rulership of a 'Coat of Arms' actually (and as with associating it today and in all too really, with Government/Bureaucracy, and all forms and kinds even, of inefficiency too that is)}.

In many ways though, it is the goal of the Abyssinian State, to turn back the hands of time, and in many ways too even, start associating Rulership in Abyssinia {'the Plains'}, with the Emblem actually {and not the 'Coat of Arms' either that is (and as with Government/Bureaucracy even, having failed to deliver, and as with regards, to solving peoples everyday problems that is)} {and other than speak of Video based News Reporting, talking of all kinds of promises, that actually in all again, do appear will never be fulfilled, and by a future Government/Bureaucracy too that is}.

In all again is to know that, the Emblem, does deal with Rulership, and issues/matters pertaining to circumstances or states even, highly from the perspective, of Pop culture actually {that in all, those who do operate under Emblems, do have in all again, their circumstances and states, defined for them, and by asking them in all again, to at the very least even, associate themselves with a certain Pop culture of a kind actually (and as with the case even, of attempting to hold, a Communal Breakfast, and at a Hotel too for instance)} {and as with this even, an interesting forum for example, and for problem solving too that is}.