Saturday 12 May 2012



The Guinea & the Gambia:

If one was to speak, of African Philosophy in all {and as with it distinct even, from the Egyptian}, one in many ways truly, would be referring to the topic of Duality actually {the seeing of things, and as being opposite, inverse etc.} {and with Egyptian Philosophy too, originating in many ways even, with the world of Egyptian Signs that is}.

Many out there don't ever truly see Africa, as it truly is {meaning in all again, what does happen even, and at the Street level too that is}. That in all again, for many an African out there, a true genuine African in all, is one whom 'African Streets' in all again, can be said to recognize actually. And with this too, speaking of just how the average African in all again, does perceive issues, pertaining to Duality in itself actually {and in a said African sense too that is} {and in many ways again, this referring to any unexpected or expected, good and bad experiences, that one would experience for instance, and on an African street or three even}.

To speak of African Duality {and as Africa even, strongly perceived distinct from Egypt}, is to speak in all again, of the Guinea and the Gambia actually. That these two countries/places, can be said to be authentically African, and as with regards even, to anything expected/unexpected, and good/bad experiences in all again, that one would experience, and on any given day that is {and as with this referring specifically, to the Political even (and not desires or dreams too either)}. That in all, everyday survival in Africa, can be determined in all again, by referring to society in all again, and as perceived in both the Guinea, and the Gambia too actually {and with the Guinea, to be associated with the good in all again, while the Gambia, is to be associated with the evil perhaps}.

African tempos, flows & beats {and as with RnB music even, in many ways truly African actually}:

The Guinea:

The Gambia:

In many ways though, when one does seek to speak of authentic African culture in the Americas (and including North America too), one can very well attempt in all again, to define, the Guinea and the Gambia, and as seen, within these cultures/places under consideration that is {and as with furtherly adding that, these cultures in all (the Guinea & the Gambia), have in many ways even, come to be strongly influenced, by Cameroon-Bantu Visual/Ethnic Arts that is} {and as with speak too even, of just about any movie, having to it, actors such as Morris Chestnut (and others of his ilk too actually)} {and as with furtherly adding that Cities in America and such as Miami for instance, can be considered, truly African actually, and as with speak too that is, of the Political, Duality, and the Guinea & the Gambia and as to be seen all over them too actually}.

In all ways even, and in the attempt to seperate Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, and from Africa's rather interesting Political past, is to in all again, associate Duality in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, and as with speak too even of the Political that is, with the Christian Symbol of the White Dove actually {and as with simply saying that, issues of Space and Time even, can easily be considered, from the perspective of Duality and the Political, and as with speak furtherly even, of just how to go about planning and designing in all, a City in many ways truly} {and as with speak in all too even, of the expected/unexpected, good/bad experiences, and pertaining mainly, to the Political too that is} {and as with Africa in this manner, not able to exist in many ways even, and in Abyssinia too, due in all again to the very fact that, the Political in Africa, is highly Network based actually, while that in Abyssinia, is at the very least in all again, to be perceived, from the Religious Organization/Body that is}.

@@ one more thing needed added perhaps, is to speak of the ubiquitous presence even, of RnB music in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) today, and as with stating that, this music in all again, does actually speak of Duality (and from the perspective of the Political too that is), and that any RnB music to be played in Abyssinia, should at the very least, be similar to that of Mariah Carey's {and as Abyssinia's top RnB musician too (and as with speak even of forever more that is)}.

