Sunday 13 May 2012



One does find in many ways, a rather big and recurring problem, and to do with Landscaping, and as to be seen even, in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia} actually. The reason for this does lie with the very fact that, most Landscaping in Abyssinia in all, appears to be centered in all again, truly around Trees, Plants, Electricity/Telephone poles, and even Street lamps / 'Street lighting' actually. The end result, has been terrible looking Landscaping in all and such that, it is perceived in all too even that, changing this aspect of design in Abyssnia (or 'Nairobi' in itself actually), could actually transform the place, from having a third-world look in all, to having in all again even, a first world look in many ways actually {but at the very least again, automatically changing it even, to having a second-world look actually}.

The most important thought and in Abyssinia too, to maintain or hold in mind too actually, and when thinking of Landscaping in all, is actually in all again, Gate Designs and Gateway Designs actually. That in all, the Landscaping of a place, and in Abyssinia too, should in all again, match Gate Designs, or even Gateway Designs in themselves actually {and as with there being in all too really, a competitive edge, and between many a different locale/community/place in Abyssinia too for instance (or 'Nairobi' too actually), and not based around Shopping Arenas either, but in all too really, as based around Gate and Gateway Designs actually}.

In many ways too though, a good way of thinking about all this, Landscaping & Design is to know/say that, Gate/Gateway Designs, should in all again go with Home/'Home Landscaping' Designs, while the 'White Dove' (and as with Abyssinia too) {the 'Duality' entry}, should in all again influence, Patterns in all, and as associated in all again, with a Home for instance and finally too, having in all again a Religious deity (and such as Krsna and Karen/Lakeview too for instance), coming in all again, to sway in all too really, the general Aesthetics, and as to be seen in a place too actually {and as with speak too even, of Nature that is}.

In all again, an idea, the very use of Gate/Gateway Designs, that could very well work even, in East Africa actually (and as with interesting Gate/Gateway Designs, used in all again, to unite East Africa in all, and as based around a similar Landscaping Design in all too really).