Sunday 6 May 2012



Many out there, never do think of pursuing Joy {and as compared to Happiness in itself that is}. That in all, most are truly obsessed with seeking out Happiness in itself actually, and when in reality, one does find that, most on gaining money, sex or romantic lifestyles even, are truly in all again seeking out Joy in itself actually {and as with even, the desired to be well treated and by most out there too actually}. In all again, a belief that, most today are actually after Joy {and not Happiness (and as with money, sex, romantic lifestyles for instance)}, and as with knowing that, most out there, can truly only gain, a sense of Joy in itself {as with knowing even, what it truly does constitute of}, by seeking out in all again, their very place of Birth actually {that in all, knowing where this is, will immediately even, give one a sense of Joy, and one too, required to drive one throughout ones life, and without worrying too much, about it all actually}.