Tuesday 22 May 2012

Meditative Technique

Meditative Technique.

There are many out there perhaps, who do suffer in all, and from issues pertaining, to Intelligence in itself. That while in all again, lots is written about Intelligence in itself (and from a measurement perspective too), it in all again, is never truly described, and for most out there too, and as it truly is that is {meaning in all again, just what in all, is truly Intelligence}.

There are many ways though, to think about Intelligence. Many for instance perhaps, have heard about Intelligence, as described in all, from the perspective of Calculative abilities {a first thinking person, who simply seems to have the right answers, to just about anything (and in more or less, a movie fashion too that is)}. That in all, they do tend to view or notice things in a certain way, enabling them, to come up with an answer or three, and as with regards, to the thing in question that is {and whether it be an Orange, and wondering whether its from Peru, or even a Watch, and wondering if its functioning properly that is}. Unknown to most, this Intelligence, believed to be seen all over (developed or undeveloped), is actually, born of the world of Mysticism {and speak too even, of 'Arthur' here actually} {and as with furtherly saying that, the vast majority of the World, actually does not possess this Intelligence in developed quantities perhaps, and despite what the Western Media in all, might tell you (that you can in all, develop it too, and via a Western Education that is)}.

There is another way to think of Intelligence, and as with it in all, based around Philosophical musings even. That unknown to most too, the very world of PhD Research today, is not based around Mystical/Calculative abilities/Intelligence actually, but in all too really, takes the very form, of what some do call the 'Actor's Stage':


That in all, many a PhD discussion in all too even, does actually take the above form (video), and in all ways too even {and as with saying truly that, problem solving at this level, is not too different from taking an Acting Class perhaps, and as with the Stanislavsky Acting method too that is} {that in many ways, the PhD Thesis, is actually PhD Research in itself, and requires the kind of expression too, that one would find, and in a Stanislavsky Acting Class too for instance}.

Intelligence associated with creating Art works in all, is never truly used today actually {but does show its presence, and whenever you do hear, of someone rather unknown even, succeeding greatly even, and on their own too actually} {but in some ways, and as with speak of lower Artistic abilities that is, what they do call IQ/EQ, does measure this form of Intelligence, and in some ways too that is}. What they do call (Scientific) Thought, and as Intelligence too and as based around equilibrium, balance and stasis issues, is highly misrepresented in all today (and as with it even said, to be PhD Research in all), and as with it even too, highly believed about Experimenting in all, when in reality (and as with Ancient Greece too that is), it did actually speak about going into Trance, or becoming Possessed even (and in one way or another too actually) {that in all, it did in many ways too that is, speak of holding Seances, and communicating with the Dead for instance (as with they believed even, to possess this kind of Knowledge, and in greater amounts/quantities too, than living humans that is)}.

There is however, a fifth way in all, of thinking about Intelligence, and as based around Meditative Technique actually. That in all, one can associate Intelligence in all again, with the ability to think up wildly even, a thought/idea or three, and simply in all too even, by attempting to remain Silent that is, and in all again, heightening ones senses to such a high degree that, ideas in all, do come flowing in rather easily {and as with the case even perhaps, of a Pianist, writing a song on a Piano, but can't seem in all again, to find the appropriate next note that is, and that which in all again, will make the song rather perfect even}. In many ways too, this Intelligence, is highly associated with what they do term Technique actually, and Technique too, and as perceived in all again, with just how for instance, a song on a Piano is played actually and such that, the Technique in question in all (whether fast or slow), does allow for one, to know the appropriate next note, to be played that is.

In all again, when one does think of our current World, one should realize that, its a World in many ways, that attempts to deal with Intelligence, and from the perspective of Meditative technique (and beliefs too even, that Asians in all, are more Intelligent than the rest of us), but in all ways too, appearing to replace Technique, with Precision actually {and as with speak too even, of Machinery that is}. That in all, Machinery is actually inferior to Meditative technique in all again, and if one can truly know and understand that, while Machinery did give one the Toyota for instance, Technique in all (and as with Meditative technique too), did give one, the Bentley or Rolls Royce too even {and as with they even, vehicles in all actually Handcrafted that is (and as with Technique/Meditative technique too actually)}.

In all, what can be truly said is that, do realize that most problems in the World today, can be best even, solved based around Technique actually (and Meditative technique too), and one of the best ways of gaining Independence in all again (and as with Local Government too even), and from Ruling powers of all kinds that is, is via the bringing back of Technique into ones life {and in all ways too even, doing away, with Precision/Machinery that is} {that in all again, it is best to buy Furniture from a local Carpenter even (even if appearing to be of a poor quality that is), and rather than from a 'Machine Shop' that is (and as in saying that, all forms of Materiality created via precision/machinery, are in many ways even, rather worthless actually: and as with speak too even, of warranty, and their losing of value in all again, and as each day/second, does goes by in all too really)} {and as compared too, to the Crapenters simple Chair, which in 10 years in all, might be viewed in all again, as a Cultural artifact of a kind actually}.

'the Moor'