Saturday 12 May 2012

The Knowledge Creation Industries

The Knowledge Creation Industries.

For those in Abyssinia, interested in helping make Catalan Kenia, and as Country too, a quick reality in many ways, is to attempt in all again, to provide a general framework, for all this. Catalan Kenia, and as based around the Knowledge Creation Industries, can best be summarized as follows: as consisting in all again, of creating Knowledge, highly based around Authoritative figures, Presentation skills and Conventional Wisdom too {and as with furtherly stating that, there is a general way of thinking about all this, creating Knowledge from the above, and as furtherly based around, using XML actually} {that in all, Catalan Kenia, is simply creating Knowledge in all again, and as based around thinking of Authoritative figures, Presentation skills, and Conventional Wisdom even, but in many ways too actually, attempting to make all this real (and as with the Internet even), via the use in all, of XML (and associated technologies and such as PHP, Web Services and Prolog even)} {In all again, simply attempt to imagine up, a Website even, and as based highly around all the above that is}.

In many ways too though, the Knowledge Creation Industries, do go well hand in hand, with the Intellectual Capital Development Industries actually. That in all, the IC (Intellectual Capital) Development Industries, can best be associated in all (and as with a feedback loop too even), with any good or bad experiences in all again, associated with the Knowledge Creation Industries actually {and as with all this even, and as with Catalan too, speaking of Mariology and in all too really that is}. In all again though, the viewing of the IC Development Industries in all, and as highly based around the C Programming Language actually {that C in all again, is a Programming Language, that can help one, think about Intellectual Capital, and in many ways too that is}.

In all perhaps, those involved in the above, and deemed in all too really, to be doing great work, will be welcomed in all again, to join the Catalan Institute of Kenia that is {and as with it even, the umbrella body, of Catalan Kenia and as Country too actually}.

Other than that,

Gracias et Valkommen

'the Architect'

'the Net', Abyssinia/Kenia