Friday 25 May 2012

Letters from Le Republique (3)

Heart over Head.

Miss Kormann,

This is me, Monsignor El Pussicatto. I have been very depressed lately because bad things have been happening to me and I don't know why. Its always me and not Foxy or the others. I know that Villi told you what happened at the party and it is not completely true what he said. I am not such a person that I would do such things. Villi exaggerated the whole story, it sounded more like Hollywood than the truth. I will not speak about what happened because I went to see my Padre this morning and he told me never to mention it again, he said it was evil and that I had been possessed by an evil spirit. I cannot tell you then what happened and you can never ask me, because it is evil.

Today in the morning, Monsieur Caligula came to see us again. He surprised us as we were listening to some music and simply stood at the doorway of the living room watching us 'get our boogie on' as Foxy sometimes say. When we turned and finally saw him, he simply said to us, "Messieurs, is this what you do when you do not think; peut etre, I do not understand the purpose of it." We all stopped dancing and Foxy simply said "It is fun Monsieur Caligula, you should try it some time." "Maybe when nobody is around I give it a small try; but for now, another lesson mes petities." We all ran to our bedrooms and changed into our Fencing clothes and then went back into the living room. Monsieur Caligula did not make us do any exercises and he just told us to be seated on the couches in the room. We all sat down and turned to look at him, and he simply paced up and down the room and then suddenly turned to us, "Ah!!! Messieurs, you are all here; it is good, bon, tres bon." "The other day I am seated at my place thinking what is the problem I see in this life. I say this because I see nothing to live for and everything, is miserable and deplorable. I begin to think too hard and ask why things are this way. It is then that an answer comes to my head that makes me jump and shout, "c'est lui" before I decide to go out for a walk." He stopped to look at us as if wondering if we had been listening to him. We sat silently waiting for him to continue and he did, "You see I realize, that the problem here for you Messieurs, is that you communicate to people differently than is done. By this I mean Messieurs, is that you do not see others the way they see themselves. Take Villi pour exemple, he sees himself as a Count and communicate with others and everything else as a Count; but things have changed alot Messieurs. They have gone very wrong. How then do we resolve this problem?" He turned to us when he stopped talking and just looked at us. Villi then said something, "Well Monsieur Caligula, maybe we can all try and find new roles so that we can all fit in." Monsieur Caligula looked surprised and almost shocked, "You want us to become like those crazy people out there?!! Villi, maybe you not go out too often." We all looked at him and then Foxy said, "But Monsieur Caligula, what you say is a bit controversial in my taste, I believe you might very much want us to see ourselves as superior beings of some sort." "Controversial or not Annelius, it is not something to debate because the reason is very much outside there. You take a walk out there and see for yourself." "It is obvious Messieurs, we must redefine ourselves from a certain perspective, because those people do not really see realite, the way we do." We could not understand what he meant and simply looked at him with Foxy looking very confused. "Those people Messieurs, do not communicate with others like we do. We see things, they hear them. We see things and judge, they hear and discriminate." We looked at him a bit confused again and he said, "Patience mes petities, let me explain a bit more."

"It look to me Mes Petites, that these people not actually really see you. By see I mean, that these people do not label things like we do. We see une chaise par exemple Messieurs, and we label it as a chair. Or even maybe, we call it by name specific like armchair. These people to me it appear that, they hear things. By this I mean they place things. This means Messieurs, that they only recreate the world. They know what a perfect world look like according to them, and when something misplaced, they realize it is so. These people to me it appear that they have fixed settings, scenarios, backgrounds etcetera. Fixed mental photo that are perfect or imperfect." He again looked at us with hope and looked a bit happy that Foxy and Villi were nodding their heads. "You see the problem Messieurs, these people not communicate with each other. They not talk or converse like we do here. They exchange like traffic light, one person go first and then another go later. They not even get feedback; they do not answer, respond and etcetera. Their world very much like play, ours like theatre. These people it look to me like they clash only. They exchange and then clash, and then work to make everything perfect again. One person must be right. We communicate, and then attack and then work to arrive at what the Anglaise call a 'mutual understanding'." Ceefee had began shaking his head as if in agreement. "They even dress like they go on play, they dress avec trop nombreux couleurs."

We sat back for a while, while we tried to understand everything Monsieur Caligula had just said. "Remember Messieurs, the problem here is that this life here is like play; it is not like theatre." "Everything here very dependent on background. These people not even behave normal because they exchange, they behave like finite automata." "So Messieurs, you see the problem here, we come from world of theatre; we play roles, they just play title. Someone like Villi here is a Count, but they are like un enseignant. You look at Le Republique, it look like Roman Amphitheatre while outside there, they make everything look like fairy tale play. It appear to me Messieurs, that the play they play here is the fairy tale and no other. So, it look to me that to understand this societe, we know the titles people play. You not think these people like us, because you then believe it is you that is crazy." "So Monsieur Caligula, are you saying that we should adopt a fairy tale persona?" asked Villi. "Not at all Villi, we remain civilise. But again, it is obvious that we must find a way to fit in, or we get kicked out. The question is here Messieurs, what kind of problem is this? Do you see it or view it peut etre?" We thought for a while before Le Monsieur put up his hand and said, "We hear it." "Bon, very good Cee Fee K." "So, what does it mean that we hear this problem?" "It means that we become sensational lovers like Foxpack." "Good Pussicatto, that is a beginning." "We must become people who shock them all the time, because why?" he asked us this before turning to look at us. "It freezes them and they lose interest in what they were doing" said Villi again. "So we must have a shocking persona like what?" said Monsieur Caligula, "like magician" said Ceefee again. "We must become like a kind of magician, good cee fee k, tres bon." We all sat back again and began to think. Then Foxy said, "It very much appears to me Monsieur Caligula, that one of the most amazing of magicians out there, to speak liberally that is, was none other than Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." We all looked at Foxy with Monsieur Caligula looking at him from the corner of the eye, "So what you say Foxpack, is that Wolfgang had similar problem to us?" "Perhaps so Monsieur Caligula, why else would he want to be a musical magician?" It was then that Foxy turned to us and said, "Perhaps a magician like Evelina too." Villi shook his head as if in agreement while Monsieur Caligula walked up and down while stroking his chin."You know my whole life, I just think Wolfgang not a very nice person for what he do, but maybe Foxpack is right." Monsieur Caligula then turned to us and said, "To the Magician, for to us, he is greater than the Knight. We must at the very least Messieurs, make ourselves Knight-Magicians, which means we are Knights that practise magic for us to survive here. If we stay Knights, we eventually have to deal with Policia. It is inescapable and change ourways we must. We shall fight via the shock, not by making problems, but via the shock." And when he finished talking, Monsieur Caligula then turned and walked to the doorway of the living room where he stood and then shook his head as if thinking. He then turned to us and said, "The lesson for today is fini, you can go back to boogie, but we meet again soon." And when he completed saying that, he turned and left Le Republique.

It was an interesting lesson is what we all believed afterwards when we were sitting and talking with each other, "That Monsieur Caligula is really something, isn't he?" said Villi to us all and Foxy then said, "A most interesting of people I dare must say, not very many like him out there." After that, we went back to doing our own things.

That is all Miss Kormann for now, I will communicate with you another time.


Monsignor El Pussicatto (SG Wilhem)

Dancing in the Moonlight.

My Dear Lady Katko,

It's me once more, Foxpack that is, and I write having not done so in a long time I believe. Its been a tiresome week here at Le Republique my Lady, totally so. We have been attempting to our very best to shape up and clean up Le Republique. "Too much junk in here guys" is what Villi is always shouting to us, "we need to clean it up before we get lost in it." He was speaking of course of Monsignor El Pussicatto, who happened to fall into one of the Inspectors large boxes while intoxicated I might add and fall asleep without our knowing. We spend a time seeking him out before Villi spotted his tail hanging out of the box.

Yet again my Lady, this week has been of most interest to us so far. Yesterday, none other than our Fencing Teacher Monsieur Caligula, decided to pay us an unexpected visit. He called upon us in the late afternoon as we sat around doing nothing of interest other than drinking some Rekor-D, some Martens and 'surfin the net' as Villi is bound to say. We discovered the most interesting of Rekor-D flavours yesterday mein jolie, it is called 'Persika-Citronmeliss' and what a wonderful taste my Lady; it does come in a tiny can though, and this may prove to be of disastisfaction for some, but for us that have grown weary of it, it is a welcome addition. We were busy lying around Monsignors 'laptop' as Villi calls it and simply looking on as Monsignor went from site to site. He visits the site often to view the photo galleries within it. We have been doing this for some time and had stopped before and were surprised to find some added changes. Monsignor appeared to be forlone as he screamed, "Where is she? I cannot see her!". He was of course talking of one Sabina Wass who has become his favourite staple on that site but to the disagreement of the rest of us and especially Count Villi, "Monsignor, that woman has the face of the Devil". "You always calling everyone devil, me and even Lady Kathleen, the only devil here is you!". "I said Devil with a capital D and not a little devil which is what Kat is, this Sabina is the real deal Devil." It appears she is no longer the object of interest in Sture plan and a certain Anna Lundberg now reigns Queen. "She is trying to be the new Madde" says Monsignor as we saw photo after photo of Anna. It was then we were interrupted by a shadow peering over our backs before asking, "Messieurs, what is it you do?" We all turned to find Monsieur Caligula standing over us and we all jumped up and said "Monsieur Caligula" almost instantaneously. "Why you look worried, maybe better you do something else instead of lying here and looking at pictures of SturePlan." He turned and looked around the room before walking out of it to the entrance hall. "This place like an African Forest, everytime I come here I feel like I go on safari." "Maybe you should clean up some more or make it look better." We looked around and did not know what to say until Villi spoke as forth, "We have tried Monsieur, but we just cannot seem to get it right." "Maybe thats because you do not know what kind of problem you have here or maybe what kind of routine you should have in your life." He looked at us and was surprised to find us still in our pajamas. "You dress like this everyday!" he said in amazement. We looked down at our clothing and said not at all really. "You see Messieurs, the problem is that you no have routine in life or order or even time. Yet but I can see why, that is because you live here in Uppsala where only order exist. No routine or time. This time about what we enjoy. Like what you do now is time. They say people waste it doing what you do, but if you enjoy what you do, you do not waste it. Order is about the work we do, you understand that word Messieurs, work; it create order in life. And at the end we have routine, like what I do with you when I teach you, that is routine. You have all these three and you have a balanced life; harmonious life is when everything go well." He paused and turned to look at us in our clothing and said, "Today I will be less strict because we shall not do pushups; so, you follow me outside and we continue from there."

"Again Messieurs, the kind of life you live depends on your life everyday. For instance Messieurs, the place you live in is about routine but today it is about order. Even with people you know, it is the same; When it comes to routine, you have friends. With order, you have contacts and with time, you have acquaintances. Like the Little one you worship, she is an acquaintance and you should let other people worship her. I have seen her at Stora Torget having come from Akademibokhandeln where she buy many penguin books like the ones I see in this place of yours. You invite her over and read together and even drink together, I think she too drink some rekorderlig. So Messieurs, I want you to think about your life for it look to me that you only have time. I see no routine, maybe um peu, but I see no order here. Some even wonder how you survive you know." He finished off while turning to look at us, we on the otherhand simply looked down at the ground. "It is okay Messieurs, you do not have to answer that question for it would only be fair that I too reply to any questions you may have. But remember Messieurs, the way you make your relations is based on some things. When it comes to routine, choose friends that have the same physical characteristics like you. By this I mean they have same type of hair and even the colour too; same skin tone and even eye colour. These people have same routine like you. When it come to order, choose contacts that have same natural body shape like yourself. They work just like you. When it come to time, choose acquiantances that have same form like you. By form I mean they wear similar clothes to yours. I have seen all you have very similar blue jacket to the one that you worship wears. It fits both of you well, you have same form. That is how it is done Messieurs, forget this nonsense about multiculturalism and other strange things I read."

"So be careful with the Little one Messieurs, you realize of course she has same body shape with the big black cats" he said while turning to look at us, "she look like Puma to me. You be careful you not think she is Little, she not run fast enough to catch you; I tell you she probably move like comet. She is there then she is here, instantaneously." We all looked at each other and back at Monsieur Caligula who paused briefly before saying, "But now I wish to continue with the lesson from last week. We finish up today. You remember of course I say that there are six ways to look at problems. Villi you remember?" he said while looking at Monsignor; Villi responded by saying, "Yes Monsieur Caligula, I remember." "What are they then" said Monsieur Caligula. Villi looked up in the sky for a moment and then replied as follows, "They are view, notice, see, hear, perceive and observe." "Tres bonnes Villi, your big head is more useful than you think." "When it comes to solve problems, the way you solve it depend on the way you look at it. For instance Messieurs, if you view problem, you attack it. How you do this really?" he said while turning from one side to the other before continuing with his up-down walk along the lawn. "Best way to attack problem is by knowing where solution is. Look at your house Messieurs, if you view problem like the one you have now, you solve it by placement. Like the Francaise do, everything with them is placement. If you have a problem, you go to the right place and the solution is there. Placement not always easy because you remember everything all the time. Then there are problems you notice. With them, you evade them. You do this in orderly manner. You order everything in series and then resolve each at right moment. Then there are those you see, those you retreat from. You avoid them Messieurs. You do this with order. One seek perfection and order. So if it is about cleaning your house, you clean it and make it look perfect; everything is in order. One get around easy. Finally mes petites, you have problem you hear. With these ones you block them. You arrange everything according to schedule. You just arrange. Again you have problemo you perceive. With these , you not solve them yourself really, you have someone solve them for you. You go to a place you solve them there. So, instead of one buy book, you go library. With problems you observe, someone you know solve them for you. So, one not buy book, someone you know buy it for you. The first one, delegation and the second, specialization." "Again I go library to read more on this FTDT you speak about but I get confused. The problem to me they solve every problem using placement. They have big memory where solution is but that not the way to solve other problem. Computer best for arrangement and that why Anglaise think of it. So they use Computer in wrong manner. I read about architecture of computer and it look like only Apple get it right. The other not know what they do. Then you have some solution like order and perfection which are chaos because you not know where anything is. Everything just look perfect and have order. But nobody explain perfect. That is how they say this operating system work. That why you do search and computer take forever to find result. It look everywhere. This solution big problem because one correct and clean all the time. One very tired with this solution. Then delegation is about looking for best solution quickly. Time important here. Then specialization, this one about best solution, time not so important here. But this computer business just confusing. Architecture is placement, operating system is order and even software is orderly. Nothing arrangement really. This confuse me alot. I think computer is best for business because business about arrangement. One use Apple, everything else they lie."

Having said that Monsieur Caligula decided to take us back into the house and continue with the lesson within. There were some little white "things" as Le Monsieur CFK (Crazy For Kat) referred to them that disturbed us and we eventually found ourselves in the living room to continue with the class. "Who is this?" asked Monsieur Caligula while peering at the painting of the Fortune Teller by Caravaggio that hung in the living room, "he looks like the Americano here." "You see the way he stand and look, you notice him. The girl look like the one you worship only with very wide face. You see the way she look, she look like she not tell him the whole truth. But she confused, she not know if he know or not. The body look like he notice she not tell the truth, the face look like he not notice this. She look like she talk very slowly because she not sure herself if he know." We looked at the painting and Villi said, "I told you guys, Kat is up to no good at all. You just can't trust her, not one bit."

"So Messeiurs, we now continue" he said after we had all sat down and Monsignor had run off to the Kitchen and came back with a Martens Lager for Monsieur Caligula. "I read also about this thing they call stability, it make no sense to me again. For me stability about environment and not solution. It make me wonder what they do. I read the book and later on I borrow it and take it home with me. When I get there I burn it because Messieurs, I do not like lies and this one has many fantastic ones. To be a good Musketeer, one must know the environment; one become a member of the Legion when one can create the environment. For instance, when one go to France, one realize that environment about Disturbance. Everywhere you go, there is disturbance that affect everybody. Somebody shout, something fall or other thing like that. In Paris, everybody look wary and aware like the Anglaise say. They look like something about happen. America almost same. For them, you have Disturbance too. But disturbance there private. It only affect one person only. In America, everybody try to be cool and composed. If disturbance happen, they remain cool. That why some say America and France similar but not same. Then England, environment about Sobriety. Everybody try to remain sober. People try and intimidate or frighten others. But one remain sober. In Deutschland, environment about Love; either Self-Love or Love. In Deutschland, everybody try to be seen and praised. That why they dress very well and strangely there. Fashion in Europe not in Paris or Milan, but Deutschland. Some want to be seen and praised, they act in self-love way. They boast alot. Other help other then brag alot. In Deutschland you go to the toilette, you think you are in hotel. Very clean, very advanced. They even have machine to dry hand inside toilette. You see, you praise. In Paris, different. You go toilette, you do business and when finished, you notice no toilette papier. Or maybe there no water in tap or even light not work. One become wary and aware. In England, you walk down street and people screaming at each other, dog always barking, people press car horn too much and very many drunk people always stopping you. This is what they call essence of society and what define society alot. It especially define material culture. But most interesting is Sverige. Here environment interesting and that why many people come to Sverige, to look for adventure. Here everything about Shock. Good shock, one with surprise, amazement, awe or astonishment. Not bad shock. Bad shock make one cry. In Sverige, one arrive at Airport, come out and find no city. One ask, 'where is city?' One think maybe they go to Greenland. That not good shock. Then one enter bus and go toward city and one see that road red. One shocked again, one never see red road before. That why people come Sverige to party; in old days, good shocking party. Today, too many people from outside. They not know how to be Swede, they give bad shock They make people cry. They always rude and never help other. They party too much but not know how to party. Everybody mean to other. For real Swede, you go party and they take you to Kitchen and open fridge. you shout 'Mon Dieu!' for fridge full with beer. you wonder when everybody finish. morning come and you go Kitchen again and fridge empty, you say 'Mon Dieu!' again. In Sverige, you open door in christmas and see children singing outside. One with even candle on head. You wonder if maybe her hair catch fire. It not happen. They stand and look, and sing. They look at you like you the crazy one. But that is good shock. You go school and find course has crazy schedule. Class anytime. You get shock, a good one. One think maybe they come to holiday camp. Then exam come and exam either too easy or too difficult. One never know. In Sverige, it okay to do something shocking. Everybody understand. Russia, they similar to Deutschland. Environment about self-love or love. Everybody try to be sighted and recognized. One sight someone steal something or recognize someone help somebody. That why communism last long in Russia, police have easy time since environment help them."

Having said all that, Monsieur Caligula took some time and finished up his beer. Then he turned to us and asked, "How is your neighbour doing? I come here one day to look for you and you not home so I go see him." We wondered whom he was referring to and then realized that it was 'Mathias the Deutsch'. "Him the good Mathias. I like him alot. There other ones not like him. You have the one like that Americano that sing good music, him too arrogant. He not talk to anybody but if maybe ask for help, he give it to you but not say anything. The other one like the German Goalkeeper. Him not very nice. He not even look at you when you talk with him, he just look straight ahead. I like him last him. Then you have this one with a flat face, him very good. I like him alot. You know I want to see him because when I see him I go home happy. One feel good if one see him. Some people say the same with this Princess Madeleine, they see her they feel good. With me, its 'Mathias the Deutsch'. Maybe he home we go pay him a visit. He always drinking something, what is it? he never say." "It is Martens Larger" said Monsignor. "How you know this?" asked Monsieur Caligula but Monsignor would not say another word on the matter. Monsignor says Martens Lager is like the 'airport water'. 'It is very conc.' he says but he claims that Martens is much better than the 'airport water'. He says that drinking one per day will keep one healthy looking like Mathias. "You and the Little one have same form with Mathias. You make good acquaintances." said Monsieur Caligula, "you go see him when you have nothing to do. Even the Little one, she too go see him instead of staying home too much. But not all you three together, you look strange. You not give good shock."

Soon after, Monsieur Caligula left us pondering what he had just said and as we sat thinking as we always do with Monsignor twirling his whiskers, Le Monsieur stroking his chin and Villi with one hand on his side and the other making gestures as he thinks aloud, we could not but help see the wisdom in it all. Once again, a lesson well learned.

And so to you my Ladyship, once more I must retreat into the present and proceed as I must. Until the next time, Godspeed my Lady.

Foxpack Annelius Mortzat
Capellemeister du 'Cult de Kat'

Lessons in Love.

Mon Cherie Catherine,

It is I, Sir Daisy du Lac, the King of Hearts. This week has been an interesting one for us here at Le Republique. We have been busy with all sorts of activities which we were sure would spice up our life as Foxpack sometimes says. Yet while they have been pretty interesting, they have not met to our standards of what we want from life. Life at the moment seems so dull and boring, we know not what to do but worship you. Yet again, we cannot spend the whole day worshipping you, that would drive us and even you crazy. So, what are we to do with all the time we have? This was the question that we all pondered in the morning as we had our breakfast and later on as we sat around while waiting for our Katechism classes to begin. However, they did not begin because we had an uninvited guest show up at our residence. It was Caligula, our new fencing teacher. He sought to speak with us. Apparently he wanted to know us better so he could know how best to teach us how to fence. Our first lesson did not go too well, he kept interrupting us with cries such as “It is an abomination what you do” or “Aiyahyahyahyah Mama mia” At first we believed he was excited with us but it was not so. So he showed up today to speak to us so as to find out if we had any issues that prevented us from learning how to fence properly. He says it is not the skills we lack, just the propriety or lack of the proper way to fence. “You can poke someone with a sword by running into him” he says, “but that is not the proper way to do it.”

So, he arrived and we invited him in. He immediately set out for the Kitchen and poured himself some juice. He very much likes the pineapple-mango flavour. He then sat down after having drank it down all at once from the bottle and began to look at each of us closely. He did this for about 10 minutes and then began to speak. “Messieurs” he said “the reason for my coming here is in good taste and nothing I say should be considered an insult.” We sat silently and awaited to hear what he had to say about us. He again simply looked at us for another 10 minutes and then continued. “The reason I do what I do is to make others better, even better than myself. By better I mean they become better humans. That is the purpose of Art and it is my belief that fencing is the greatest of all Arts.” He stopped for a minute and drank some water that was nearby. “However, 2 days ago, I saw what I could best describe as Evil. Messieurs, I believe you are all good in the heart but surely, even you must agree that your ways are not of the civilized.” We simply looked at him and wondered what he meant. He continued, “It is obvious to anybody out there that you fence like monkeys.” “How this happened, I do not know. I wish to find out since I am very much a psychologist at heart but yet I fear doing so after all, Evil is very infectious and I fear becoming what the Deutsch call a Schwachkopf.’ We looked at him and then at each other as we did not understand what he meant or had said. He looked at us and appeared to be relieved. We then all sat silently for another 10 minutes and then Sir Pancho spoke up and said “What you have said, we have heard. However realize, we have understood not a word of it.” Caligula picked up his glass of water and drank it again, this time very slowly while watching us keenly. He then put it down and said, “You see, I come from France as you are well aware of. From Nice to be specific but I grew up in Malaga which is in Spain . It is there I learnt how to fence and to very much be a normal person.” He stopped and looked at us again. We wondered surely what could be the problem. So I spoke up and said, “Monsieur Caligula, exactly what is the problem here?” He then decided to be abrupt, “You do not move and fence like normal people. There is something disturbing yet pleasurable about the way you fence and even very much, the way you move. For instance….” He said while pointing at Dante, “get up and let me see you walk.” Foxpack did as he was told and Caligula observed him and then said, “You see Messieurs, that is exactly what I am talking about.” We all looked at Foxpack and wondered what exactly the problem was. “It appears you do not fully understand my ways, So, I will approach this from a different direction.” “Tell me, do any of you have a love interest in your life?” We all looked at him and wondered what he meant. Then Villi spoke up and said, “You ask us if we have girlfriends?” “Not really. A girlfriend could be considered a love interest but so can anything else lovely including playing the violin. Do you do anything that you would consider a love interest?” We all looked at each other and wondered where this was going. We all were pretty much thinking alike and wondered if we should tell him about you. We thought not then we decided to. He looked at us with great suspicion as we narrated everything about you and we even told him about the Cult. As we spoke, we noticed that his right hand was placed very closely to his sword and his eyes darted from side to side at us. Finally, he got up and asked us to follow him outside where he stood a distance from us.

“I will teach you today about a subject that is dear to us all but nobody ever speaks about.” We all waited in anticipation wondering what he had in mind. “I will teach you today” he continued, “about Amore.” “You see Messieurs, the way a man loves is very much similar to the way he fences and you…..” he said as he pointed at us all, “you are terrible fencers.” It was then Monsignor turned to us all and said, “He insults us. How?” We all looked back at Caligula who had by now unsheathed his sword and was walking around while pointing it at the ground. “I do not mean to insult you as your Feline friend suggests, what I mean to say is that you do not walk or move like you love life. You move around like cowardly monkeys, not like Musketeers which is what I believe you all aspire to be.” We all looked at him but decided not to ask him any indirect questions. So Foxpack spoke up and said, “Monsieur Caligula, teach us then how to love life.” It was at that moment that Caligula sheathed his sword again and said, “Good, then we are all in agreement that there is a problem here.” “Come closer my little ones and let me tell you about Amore. It will make you better people.”

“You see Messieurs, love is the beginning and end of life. It is what makes life worth living. Not the television or discos but love. Without it, life is very dull and meaningless as many people say it is today. However, I will teach you how to be better lovers so that you may begin living life as it should be lived.” We all looked at him eagerly and sat still and patiently as we waited for him to continue. “You see mes petit amies, there are 4 types of love. 4 main types and each is derived from the great love which is the love of God. The love of God, that I cannot teach you since it is very much a personal journey. As you become spiritual and more Godlike, you experience the love of God. We must each develop the 4 main types of love fully before we experience the love of God. Doing so Messieurs is not an easy journey. It is filled with treachery, lies, deceit and even hate. There are those who will label you a madman or even an Elitist for attempting to do so. They may even consider putting you into a mental hospital. That’s the way of the world today Messieurs, pure irrationality masquerading as intelligence. There is no love today in the world, just meaninglessness and dullness or what the English call boredom. If you however develop the 4 main types of love, you enter what is known as the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. A life of no fear, hate, anger or any negativity. Just simply happiness and joy. More importantly with this state comes great knowledge, intelligence, talents; basically Messieurs, great power to achieve whatever you may wish to achieve. It is what all those they call scientists seek to discover by uniting the 4 forces that they have ‘discovered’. Theirs is a way of treachery. Of schemes and plots. It is fools gold that they chase. However, I can teach you of the 4 main types of Love and will proceed to do so now.” We all sat even stiller and even more patiently. “There are 4 main types of love, they are as follows; listen closely. Devotional love, Passionate love, Sentimental love and Sensational love.” He looked at each of us to see if we had been listening. We all grinned at him and he decided to continue. “Devotional love is the love that leads us to basically be devoted to something. We seek to please the object that we love. Then you have Passionate love which is very much about ‘control’. You seek to influence or persuade the object by making it laugh or cry. Then we have Sentimental love whereby one seeks to placate the love object. Basically Messieurs, to be caring and respectful towards it. Then we have Sensational love whereby one seeks to shock the love object via the use of humour so that it may experience states such as awe, amazement, astonishment and the likes.” We all looked at each other and shook our heads together. It appeared that we all agreed with what he had said. “So, Messieurs, tell me, is there any love interest that occupies you in any of the manners I described above?” We looked at him and thought for a while. “We are not sure how to respond” is what Monsignor said. Caligula then looked at him and said, “This is what I have been talking about. You do not live life and it shows. You appear not to love like normal people should.” He again pointed at Monsignor with his thumb and said, “You, the Feline, tell me; What kind of lover are you?” Monsignor appeared to be embarrassed by the question and Caligula noticed it. “I do not speak of Sexo here you dirty Feline, I simply ask a basic question. What kind of Lover are you?” Monsignor blushed some more and then said “I think I am a Passionate Lover.” “Very well” said Caligula and pointing at Villi said, “You, with the big head, what of you?” Villi stood up and said. “I do not know how to answer the question. I come from a country where people do not speak of their virtues but let their friends or colleagues do so. I therefore wish that you may put the question forward to those around me.” Caligula nodded and then looked at the rest of us. It was then that I spoke and said, “Pancho looks very much like a Sentimental Lover.” Caligula again nodded while looking down and then said “And of you?” I looked at him again and said, “I believe I am a Devotional lover.” “Very good” said Caligula “We can therefore conclude that the English fella is a Sensational Lover.” “This is all very good that you are different lovers and therefore can balance each other out. You can bring new life to each others lives. What I want all of you to do Messieurs, in the following weeks as we continue our lessons, is to acquire a habit or way or even what some of you call a hobby, that will teach you how to love. When you do that, life stops becoming meaningless and dull since you are always in a state of love. One is always happy even if there is nothing they do with their lives. You understand what I say to you?” We all looked at him and nodded in agreement. “We understand Master” is what we said. “Very good, I leave now but return soon and hopefully together, we shall start on a journey to discover love, life and freedom. For that is what Amore really is at the social level, Freedom. Not democracy. That is freedom for fools. Amore Messieurs.” And without another word, he got up and left us seated where we were as we pondered what he had just said to us. “This is good stuff” said Villi. “I agree completely with it all” said Foxpack. Monsignor simply sat still while he twirled his whiskers.

Ma Cherie, we have a lot of thinking to do about this. We debated about Love and you after Caligula left and we wondered what kind of Love we have for you. We appear to be infatuated with you and not fully in love since we are all different lovers trying to love you in the same way. We also appear to be attempting to unite all the 4 loves together which some believe is leading us to Idolatory. Surely, one of the Loves must be of greater importance to you than the others. They say we need all of them but one is much more important than the others. Which is it? we wonder. Obviously we shall have to think about this some more.

A Bientot Ma Cherie

Sir Daisy du Lac

The King of Hearts

Hello from Here.

My Dear Lady Katko,

How goes you on this early morning? It is morning at Le Republique as I write this. I had an eventful night my Dear Lady. An eventful one that was of great interest to me. I awoke late last night feeling as cold as a cucumber in a freezer. I wondered what was aloof and wondered if some one had not paid the heating bill. I immediately set out to find out by curling myself up tightly and calling out the names of my colleagues. One by one, they did not answer. I called out Villi's name and got no response at all. I then called out Le Monsieurs name and all I heard was some ruffling in his bed. I then bellowed towards Monsignor who sleeps in the library downstairs and on listening, I heard him snoring louder than even before. I was left with no choice than to curl tighter and deeper, which I did, and eventually fell asleep.

Upon awakening, I set out out to find what could had led to the cold drought yesterday. I went down to the kitchen and found the other three sitting around and appearing to have breakfast. I then called them out by their names and not a single one of them responded. It was infuriating my Lady to say the least. I then had no choice than to unsheath my sword and they all then turned to look at me. They looked as if I was a mad man invading their privacy. I then spoke as forth, "What is the meaning of all this?" They looked at each other and then back at me and Monsignor replied, "Of what is this you are talking off". I looked back at them and asked them why they choose to ignore me. They looked back and said they were not aware that they had done so. I took one step back and then two forward whereupon they simply stared back at me. I then said "Villi, what time is it?" He looked at me and wondered if I was speaking to him. It was then Monsignor spoke and said, "His name is not Villi. It is Caravaggio a.k.a Villi" I did not desire to question this madness and simply played along. I then turned to Monsignor and said "Pussicatto, why does Villi have such a strange name" Monsignor looked at me with disgust and said. "My name is not Pussicatto, it is Wilhem. Wilhem Shakespeare". I at once knew that it was possible that the cold drought had driven all three mad and at the same time worried if I too was mad. I then therefore turned to Le Monsieur and spoke to him and said, "Why are you standing as still as a hammer" He replied by saying " Morte Zarte, I have no idea what you speak off." It was then that I realized that I too have a new name that I knew nought off. It is so my Lady, my new name is Morte Zarte. They call me so because they believe that I am a genius on the Clavichord left behind by the Inspector. They also compare me to another fella known as Mozart whom I have never heard of. He however must be a good fella to be compared to a fella like me.

But even more interesting me Lady are the events that transpired two nights ago. I was awoken just as I was about to fall asleep by Shakespeare. He asked me to join him downstairs. I dressed up and did as he asked. I found nobody there but upon going outside, I found all three of them in the car left behind by the Inspector. I walked up to them and sought to know what they planned to do? They simply asked me to jump in which i did as it was the only way i would know what they sought to do. Apparently Le Hammer had convinced everyone but me that we should take the vehicle for a spin as Caravaggio a.k.a Villi would say. So we took off at a brisk pace guided by the wheel of the vehicle. Le Hammer was at the wheel my Lady and we so chose to go in the dark since we have no registration and obviously nobody would see us. However, I happened to fall asleep while in the car and was awoken only when we got back home. It was my surprise to discover though that the car was missing a window and some of its lights. I looked in despair and shock as I wondered what could have transpired while I was in deep sleep. I therefore turned to Le Hammer who was driving the car and said "What happened here?" He looked at me and I could see a bump on his head. I then said again "Who did this to you?" He simply looked at me as though he was offended and walked away in disgust. To this very moment my Lady, I have no idea what transpired on that fateful night since they all refuse to talk to me. Hopefully, I will know soon.

Three nights ago, me and Caravaggio a.k.a Villi where busy hammering away on the Clavichord. I happened to learn a tune on my own and me and Villi a.k.a Caravaggio were playing it together. I must say we sounded astounding My Lady. But even more surprising was the discovery made by Shakespeare that our song was now on what he referred to as the interweb. Someone apparently recorded us in secret and put our song on this interweb. We were shocked and Shakespeare said that we should all be careful about what we say or whom we say it to in this day and age as people are always listening and spying. yet again, I have decided to post our song for you to listen below. It is the same as that in the interweb and me and Caravaggio a.k.a Villi play it together in the same exact manner. I believe you will enjoy it.

Other than that my Lady, I must now say goodbye since I seek to speak with the others with regards to the events of two nights ago. They even refuse to look at me.

God dag

Dante Le Partie Duvallier Morte Zarte
Knight of Kormannshire
in service to Lady Katko.