Thursday 24 May 2012

Letters from Le Republique

Letters from Le Republique by

Dante Duvallier 

While a student in Sweden, I decided, to engage in some self-indulgence. I decided, to 'stalk' someone. Her name was Katharina K., and all this happened in all again, and at the very same time too, I was actually penning, the '3 Little Bears'. My studies, not going too well and due to my not caring too much about them (seeing no future in them actually), I was kind of lost in my ways, and as I truly wondered, what to do with my life. Katharina K., a student, PhD, but taking courses at the Masters level too (Scientific Computing Department - Uppsala University), seemed to enjoy her classes and out of boredom, I decided to bug/bother her in all, by writing a number of anonymous letters/emails to her (and hereby referred to as 'Letters from Le Republique', and very much too, written in a French style that is), and by adopting too, many a different/differing persona that is, and all this done too, in the attempts to bring distraught to her Italian boyfriend, one Mathias K. that is (and a PhD student too). In many ways too, all this happening before my eventual joining of SSES (Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship) {and as with my attempting in all again, to convince my Course/Program Director S. Palsson, that I was somewhat eventually destined for greatness, and if I did remain, in Sweden too that is), and in all ways too even, while still dreaming perhaps of 'Madde' (Princess M.), and hoping that Dr. Palsson, would not come knocking on my door any time soon, I did find myself writing many an anonymous email to Katharina K. (and under the penname of Dante Duvallier too actually), and emails too, not too ashamed to say, did actually number almost 100 in their numbering that is but with a few in all again, presented here actually, and for ones consumption too {and as with they even, having titles like 'Au Contraire Mademoiselle', 'Tragedy at Le Republique' and finally even 'Jolly Good!!' too actually). They in many ways too (and as with my believing even, that Katharina won't mind), are posted here, and for ones consumption in all {and as with speak too even, of mindless entertainment that is}.