Thursday 10 May 2012



Those living in Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', and the 'Arid areas'}, are perhaps well acquainted, with an old Abyssinian belief {and as with this speaking even, of old Ethiopia that is}, that in all again states that, Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', and the 'Arid areas'}, is the very home even (or point too actually), of just about every God (or Goddess), and Spirited form even, to be seen just about anywhere in the World that is {and as with further speak even, of a point of entry, and into this World too that is}. A belief perhaps, not believed by most out there, but one in all again, believed by many an Abyssinian, and as with speak too even, of National Pride that is.

For those living in Karen/Lakeview, is to perhaps best say that {and as with reference to the Blogger too that is}, that Karen/Lakeview in all, is perceived even (and by the Blogger too actually), as one of the prime locations/spots, in Real Estate, and in the whole wide World too that is {and as with saying that, the Blogger, does intend to promote it as such actually, and to the detriment even perhaps, and of many a person even, living within Karen/Lakeview too that is (and whom might in all again, truly believe it, to be not as such actually)}.

In conjoinment with this belief, is the further known belief to the Blogger that, Karen/Lakeview, does have its very own Spirited form {or deity to some even (and as with speak of a small Deity that is)}, and in the form, of Krsna {and not Krishna, Sri Krishna or Lord Krishna either}. That this deity in all, is the only true resident in all again, of Karen/Lakeview actually, and as with furtherly saying that, Krsna in all, is truly well known to not only define local attitudes, but also, local Jokes even, local fears, local social games in all, local commercialism, or even truly again, local relationships actually. That Krsna, is the one person too, who can be said in all too even, to be mystically present, all over Karen/Lakeview, and it is best in all again for those in Karen/Lakeview, to best associate themselves in all {and as with Krsna too even, best perceived again, as a Spirited form (and one too, known to the Christian World actually)} {and as a 'God-head' too that is}, in truly helping make, Karen/Lakeview, the top spot in local liveable life, and in the whole wide World too that is {and as with truly saying even, forget 'Bel-Air'}.
