Sunday 27 May 2012

Symbolic Weaponry

Symbolic Weaponry and Africa.

Wrestling in most ways, can be said, to be a universal sport in all, and within Africa too {and as with Abyssinia in all too even, taking to the Sharpshooting variety actually}. This is said because, Africa has very many negative images, and as with regards to Violence in itself, when in reality, most violence within Africa in all (and as with speaking too even, of whom is truly African and who is not actually), is actually, of the Wrestling variety {and as with speak furtherly even, of a work and such as that of Chinua Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart') {that in all again, violence within Africa takes the dimensions, of that seen in 'Things Fall Apart', and violence too, and of the gun-toting and machete militia variety, is actually more or less, of the Asian and the Middle East variety, and in origins too that is}.

However though, in many ways one does find that, Symbolic Weaponry in all, is actually in all ways too even, a rather good way in all again, of speaking about the Social History of Africa and as a whole too. That Africa in all, believed by many to be one, and Socially too that is, is actually diverse in this regard, and can be divided (Socially at the very least too that is), into 6 main regions: Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), Eastern Africa (Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania), Southern Africa, Western/Central Africa, Northern Africa (including Egypt) and finally Egypt in itself too actually.

That these 6 regions in all, do differ from each other Socially actually, and as with furtherly truly saying that, such differences in all, actually do speak in all again of the very fact that, all these regions, can be said, to have strongly differing Histories that is {and as with the further belief that, History in many ways, does arise in the Social that is}.

The best way in all again, to view these differences, is from the perspective of Symbolic Weaponry (and with it being Social too and in many ways too that is), and a general way too, for those who don't know too much about Africa, to see it as it truly is {and Socially speaking too that is} {and as with furtherly saying that, Social culture, and as to be seen in Abyssinia ('the Plains'), is actually not too different (if different at all), from that to be seen, and in a work such as 'The Scramble for Africa' and by Thomas Pakenham too actually (that it in all again, is actually Abyssinian literature, and not European either)}. That in all too really, the following Symbolic Weaponry, have in many ways in all, truly influenced the general behaviour (Social), and of the peoples, who do live in the below mentioned and differing African regions too that is.

Abyssinia: The Saber (British)

Eastern Africa: Arrow & Bow

Southern Africa: The long-staff Spear

Central/Western Africa: Knives (long and short)

Northern Africa: The Short Sword/Dagger

Egypt: The Middle Staff