Friday 11 May 2012

Group Formations

Group Formations.

The Leakey Family of Kenya/'East Africa', are one of the more reknowed Families, and to be seen in the region too actually. They are known, to be engaged in Business, Politics, Cultural festivities/bodies, Nature/Wildlife preservation, and finally even Archeology in itself actually. What makes though, this Family to be of good repute in all, is that, in a region in all again, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and a place too, known to have rather many Family oriented issues actually {and as with Family in this region in all, Abyssinia, having rather volatile relationships actually}, they have been able in all again, to maintain successful Family/Familial relationships, and in many ways too even, have aligned this success perhaps, with just about every other endeavour, they have engaged in {and as with they in all perhaps, one of the truly more successful Families, and as with History too even, and as to be seen in Abyssinia too that is}.

Anyone who has ever looked into Evolutionary theory, does know, there are two version of it: Darwinian, and Leakyian perhaps. The Darwinian version, is in many ways even today, often confused, for the Leakyian one {and as with Western Media too even, falsely calling the Leakyian version, Darwinian actually}. The Darwinian version though, and of evolution of Human life on this Earth, is highly based around Officialism (and 'Official Media' too that is). That in all, a stone-age man perhaps, seated on a big stone, cooking some meat with his fellow friends, seeks to stand up instead, and while looking into the horizon, spots a rather large tree, and to which he then now makes reference to, and by asking his fellow hominidal beings perhaps, to seek to move with him, and under the tree too, and seek in all again, to sit under its shade, and rather happily too actually. In many ways, a version that speaks of evolution on this Earth, and as based around being Stone-age, Iron-age, or even the Copper-age perhaps {and with Human life today though, dealing with Steel on the otherhand (and as with it again, more inferior to Iron, and as with regards even, to actually dealing with it that is)}.

The Leakyian version of evolution on this Earth though, and Human too, is perhaps, one of the more outrageous known out there actually, and due mainly, to how it is presented in all {not too clearly that is}. In it, and as with many a BBC Documentary too that is, it does state in all that, Hominids in all again, once used to roam the Earth, looking for food, wild berries even, and to feed their appetites actually, and on doing this, and on a daily basis even, but apparently in all too even, always on the move actually, from one spot to another, seeking out food actually. A most outrageous version perhaps, and for those who do love sleep in all again, and as with the disheartening belief that, everyday does bring with it, the very same problem actually : that being, just what to eat today and in all too really. This version of Evolutionary theory, has been panned by many a critic, and due in many ways even, to it being rather East African in its ways actually {and as with it even, associated best in all perhaps, with Tanzania/Ngorongoro, and in many ways and unknown to most too, seeks to look at the story of Human life on this Earth, very much from the perspective of Tanzania: that being, Creationist myths} {and as with furtherly saying that, looking at the origins of Human life from Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), speaks in many ways truly, of the very topic of Consciousness actually (and very world too even, of Official Media and Darwinism too that is)} {and something in all again, Consciousness that is, that the Leakey version, does not take truly into account actually}. The Leakeyian version though, looking at the story of Human evolution from Tanzania, speaks in many ways, of viewing survival on this Earth, not primarily as based around Consciousness, but Group Formations too and in themselves actually {that on traveling to Tanzania for instance, one should not be shocked even, and in observing many an Animal gathering actually, holding too, the most strange of Group Formations that is}. In all again, the very birth too, of the idea that, Human beings on Earth, did evolve highly based around even, the most interesting of Networks actually {and as with many a hunting Pride of Lions, known to use Networks (and as with exchanges too specifically), and when hunting down prey that is}.

In all again, for those living in Abyssinia is to know that, while Darwinism is the modus operandi and in many ways and around here that is (Abyssinia as Civilized perhaps), there are those though, who do seek to live out life in the place, and in a Leakyian manner too {and as highly based around Group Formations that is}. In many ways, this can be perceived in all ways even, as being rather natural actually, and as with saying that, whenever one does intend to do just about anything, they do find themselves in all again, thinking more or less, from a Group Formation actually {and as with a Religious Deity too even}, and with this again, occurring much more naturally, than they might think it {and as with speak too even, of a subconscious fear or three actually}.

In all, it can best be advised for those in Abyssinia that, and especially those too, struggling with life, that dealing with problems in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, does call even, for one to hold the most strangest, of Group Formations actually {and as with furtherly stating that, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), is capable truly, of being one of the most violent of places, and due in all again, to the kind of Group Formations, naturally held even, and by anyone (and including Wildlife too), seeking to solve just about any problem that is}.

The Savannah: Communage

The Plains: Collective

The Arid areas: Multitudes

Photo notations:

Communage {speaking in all again, of creating Group Formations, highly based around, the very concept of Property (and as with attempting even, to protect or defend it that is)}; the Collective {speaking in all again, of creating Group Formations, highly based around folks in all, and as said to be of one Heart perhaps, one Mind, or even one 'Great/Higher Mind' too actually (and something in all again, rather common, and in the Christian World in all too really)}; Multitudes {probably a term in all again, heard amongst those, looking into Kenya's Mau Mau history that is, and as with it even, referring to a Group Formation, fervour driven in nature, and asking/calling in all again, for one, to be of a similar disposition and in many ways truly}.

@@in all again though, do note, Group Formations not too easy to create/manifest, and as with telling many a struggling person in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, that survival in many ways, is highly dependent at the very least on all this {and as with the Darwinian even, a world in all too really, ruled highly even, and by discrimination too that is}; and that in all again, unless one does understand these Group Formations, one is likely to whither, and die away actually {and as with saying that, many a person will not feel sorry for another, suffering in all again, even if, they on the otherhand, are actually doing rather well (and as with Abyssinia too, capable in all, of being rather cruel even, and as with regards to such suffering actually)}