Monday 14 May 2012


Health and Abyssinia.

The name Anne Spoerry, might elude most, and who do live in all, within Kenya, Abyssinia in itself (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), or even most around the World too actually. However, she though, Dr. Anne Spoerry that is, was amongst a few of other Doctors in all, who did spearhead even, change in Kenya in itself, and as with regards primarily, to how Healthcare in all, was actually delivered: that she in all again, Dr. Anne Spoerry that is, was amongst the group in all again, that did found the famed 'Flying Doctors' unit in all {and as with it even eventually, incorporated, into what they do call AMREF that is}.

The purpose of this entry though, is to attempt to do as Dr. Anne Spoerry once did: bring change, and as with regards even, to just how, many do think of Health in all, and within Abyssinia too that is ('the Savannah', 'the Plains', and the 'Arid areas').

In many ways though, one does find that, conventional medical practise in Abyssinia in all too even (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), does follow a rather ancient trend in all, and of viewing the Human being as sick even, and from the following linear perspective too that is: Physical Health -> Mental Health -> Emotional Health. That in all, illness in just about any form or manner, is believed to originate in the Physical realms, and before progressing in all again, into the Mental and Emotional realms too that is.

In many ways though, this is not specifically true, and for those living in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) {though it might be true, for those in the rest of Africa actually}, and in all ways even, one will find that while living in Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, that all forms of illness in all, can be truly said again, to originate in all too really, within the Mental realms actually {and before spreading too, to both the Physical, and the Emotional realms even}. In many ways, this can be considered to be very true, and as with saying that, those living in Abyssinia in all, are prone to notice that every single day even, might bring challenges in all, and as having to do, with Mental Health actually {which does include, having headaches, depression, or even dizzy spells for that matter}. To understand this much better in many ways is to say that, those living in 'the Savannah', 'the Plains', and the 'Arid areas', might be quick to notice, that their Mental Health in all, might be seen to begin to fail, and due to their easily developing even, all kinds of Foibles ('the Savannah'), Eccentricities ('the Plains'), and even Idiosyncracies (the 'Arid areas'); that in all again, lots of questions pertaining to Health in Abyssinia in all, do arise even, with any of these three again, believed gone wrong actually {meaning, foibles, eccentricities and idiosyncrasies even, believed taken a bit too far that is}.

Below though, and in alignment with the above too though, is to recommend in all again, a general way, of viewing Healthcare, and within Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) too that is.

The Savannah: the Clinic

The Plains: the Dispensary

The Arid areas: the General Hospital

Photo notes:

the Clinic/'the Nairobi Hospital' {and as with it a place even, which one does go to, when they do have, a specific query, and as with regards, to their Health that is; that in all again, the patient in this case does in all too even, have a rather good idea, of what does ail them, and with the Clinic in all (and as with a query and the Database), seeking to validate in all again, whether the Patient in this case is actually right}; the Dispensary/'the Karen Hospital' {and as with it in all again, a place visited and by the sick too perhaps, and as with they even, not knowing what does ail them (other than a symptom or two), and with it the responsibility in all again, of the Paramedic in question perhaps, to actually discern, what could be ailing the sick person in question that is (and as with Dispensaries even, highly Research oriented too)}; the General Hospital/'the Kenyatta National Hospital' {a place in all again, visited by those best termed diseased in all (and as with furtherly even saying that, this way of looking at Health in Abyssinia, does take an African model in all, and of associating illness in all again, with nature/environments actually), and with the 'Medical Practitioner'/'Health Assistant' in this scenario, responsible in all again, for attempting to maintain the Health of the diseased that is (and as with speak too even, of Quarantine in all too really)}.