Thursday 24 May 2012

The Three Little Bears

The Three Little Bears


'the Moor'

The 3 Little Bears is a series of tales in all, and set in Canada too. It in many ways too, speaks of my sojourn there, and as with my discovering even that, Canada in all (or Alberta specifically), to be a rather absurd place actually. In all, I did not know what to truly make of my stay in Canada (Alberta), other than express it in all perhaps, and by writing The 3 Little Bears too that is. Running into 17 episodes, only 5 are showcased here and in many ways too, attempts to show that, Canada, is a unique place in its own right (and as differing highly even, and from America too that is), and in all too even, attempts to show the rest of the World that, just whom in all again, Canadians truly are even, and as private individuals too that is {that Canada in all, is actually an interesting place, and with unique intelligent people too, and in all ways even, is not America (and as with American Art/Sculpture in all, being the 'Statue of Liberty', and which is fully American/Boston (and as with Art/Sculpture), and not French either)}.