Sunday 6 May 2012



We live in societies, where most in all, are highly obsessed even, with Time in itself actually {and not Distance either}. In many ways truly, Distance in itself, is seen to directly correlate with Time, and as with it even, believed in all again, to be an offset even, of Time in itself actually. There are many other ways though, of thinking about Distance {and other than from the perspective of directly factoring in Time in itself that is}. Take the Italian way of thinking about Distance for instance, it is heavily based around Nautical Miles, and in all ways even, thinking about Distance in all, from the perspective of what it all truly does mean actually {meaning in all again, taking in issues of delay, terrain, supplies/resources, or even truly again, speaks of needs/wishes (and as with associating Distance too, with purpose for instance)}.

There is however, another way to think of Distance in all, and as compared to Time too that is. One of the most easiest ways of doing this, is from the perspective, of Networks. That while Networks in all, are highly presented from a Time perspective, they in many ways truly even, can be perceived mainly, from a Distance perspective actually {and as with the traveling even, of a signal and from one point, to another of the Network that is}. In many ways truly, this speaks of Resources, but in all ways too even, a good way of viewing all this, is from the perspective of Social Networks actually {and the very world too, of popularity that is}. That in all, one member of a Social Network, can ask to journey to New York and from Durnham-Nairobi too, and be put on a fast direct flight in all too even, and in simply one day actually, while another, would be asked to wait in all for a while, then asked to pick up their Ticket from somewhere, travel on their own to the Airport, and finally be put on a flight headed for New York, but through London in itself actually {and as with having to wait, while in Heathrow Airport too that is}. In all again, a situation where Time in itself, is best perceived, from the ability to access Resources, and not from having to wait {or deal with delay even}, specifically that is.

A third way of viewing Distance has to do, with what they do call Systems actually {and as with speak even, of Officialism/'Official Communications'}. That in all, Systems highly operate based around the ability to effectively communicate in all, ones needs or desires even, and on doing so, having them met almost instantly {and as with an emergency too actually}, or even truly again, asked to wait {and as with speak of time polling that is}. In all truly again, Distance in this case, speaks of the ability, to effectively communicate {that in all again, if one is a poor communicator in all, one will find that, they have to travel more, to get things done, and with Time too, highly associated in all, with Human Resources/Personnel that is (and as with they asked in all again, to help one get through, with whats required done that is)} {In all, Distance too, as highly associated in all again, with Government Operations for instance, and with speak of Nautical Miles on the otherhand, speaking of Militaristic operations and in all ways too even}.

Back to life, back to reality
Back to life, back to reality
Back to life, back to reality
Back to the here and now yeah

-- Soul II Soul - Back to Life

There is however another way in all too even, of thinking of Distance in itself. A way in all again, highly associated with Africa, having been seen frequently, in Egyptian Civilization, and in all ways even, spoke of Distance in itself (and as with problem solving too that is), highly from the perspective, of Rhythm, Soul and Spirit actually. That in all {and as with speak too even, of Religious Worship that is : Egyptian, Abyssinian or African}, that in all again, issues of Distance {and as with getting to Heaven that is}, can be perceived in all, from the perspective, of Rhythm, Spirit and Soul actually {but with all this again, having wide ramifications in all, when it did come to the Cultural, or the Political too actually}. That in all again, and as with the Cultural or Political too (and as with speak even, of 'Catalan' that is), someone residing in Kenya/Abyssinia, are more likely to find themselves naturally even, arriving in France and for no good reason at all even, and as compared, to traveling to nearby Uganda for instance {that in all, Catalan culture being Italian/French, it in all again possesses Rhythms, Soul and Spirit, that in all again (and as with speak of kindred that is), would attract someone or something in all, with similar Spirit, Rhythm or Soul actually (and as with speak too even, of what does constitute in all again, Personal Magnetism that is)}. In all, a way of thinking of Distance, and Time too {and as with Time perceived in all again, from incidents happening even}, that has traditionally in all, being highly associated, with Religious Worship, and as seen on the Continent of Africa too that is {and as with having that is, the required Rhythm, Spirit and Soul, to be allowed entry into Heaven actually}.

Tack sa mycket
