Thursday 10 May 2012

Points of Entry

Points of Entry.

For Europeans in Abyssinia in all, and who would still like, to maintain somewhat strong even, relations with Continental Europe, it can be advised in all again, that it is best in all, to truly view Moscow/Russia, as a point of entry actually {and as with truly advising Europeans in Abyssinia that, it is best in all again, to view Europe in all, from the perspective (side in all) of Moscow, and rather than the historical view, of taking France as the center of Europe in itself, or even the modern view, of perceiving the whole of Europe, from the UK/England that is}. In all again, all this recommended that is, and for those who do seek to travel by Air actually, and as with furtherly stating that, there are those on the otherhand, who do view Continental Europe, from the perspective of Adventure {and as with this somewhat even, linking Continental Europe to North Africa in some ways}, and who in all again, would probably prefer, to travel to Europe, via the Red and Mediterranean Seas {and as with travel too, by Ship liner that is} {and as with stops even, in Egypt, or other North African points actually}, and who in all again, would be advised, to see Britain in all {Northern England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland}, as points of entry actually {and as with all this speaking truly, of Europeans in Abyssinia, viewing themselves as Continental Europeans actually (and as with speak even, of Greece and the whole of Russia too), and not simply European (and as with speak even, of what they do truly call, mainland Europe that is)}. All this said again, to remind Europeans in Abyssinia, that they are truly in all again, actually Abyssinian that is.