Sunday 20 May 2012

The Quintessential

The Quintessential and Abyssinia.

To speak of the Quintessential and Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), is to in many ways even, speak of Colonialism, and as it did happen even, and on an everyday basis too that is. That Colonialism in Abyssinia (and as referring mainly to Kenya that is), did happen rather differently, and from the rest of Africa too {but with exceptions too, to be made and as with regards, to Tanzania and Uganda too actually}. That in most of Africa in all, Colonialism did take the form, of a Cultural War actually {and attempts, by Colonialists to dominate African populations, and as based upon attempting in all again, to prove their Cultural Inferiority (and as with speak too even, of Cultural practises that is)} {and such as Polygamy too for instance}. In Abyssinia though {but including Uganda and Tanzania too}, Colonialism, mainly took the form, of just whom in all again, was the best problem-solver {Technical too}, and as with regards, to everyday survival that is {that in all, Abyssinia in itself, has often been viewed, as having more Technical difficulties to it, than most of Africa actually (and as with Southern Africa even, reported to have the least of them all actually)}.

To understand this much better, is to not only say that, in Abyssinia in all, populations were divided as being 'European' and 'African' {and with Tanzania and Uganda, having a similar classification: 'White' and 'African' (but with Arab/Swahili populations in all, independent in their ways too actually)}, and in all ways even, speak of Colonialism, does speak of Technical problem-solving in all too even, and as with regards in all too really, to the 'African' populations that is {that in Abyssinia in all, and especially Kenya too, one does find that the Knowledge that truly did work to sustain life, was actually Victorian, European and American even (and as with this speaking in all again, of the problematic situation that many an 'African' Tribe in Kenya, and claiming traditional roots in the place, does truly have: their lack in all, of most forms actually, of Knowledge needed in all again, for survival that is)} {and as with saying that (and speak too even of the Maasai and Samburu for instance, being exceptions in this case), that Africans in all, and within the Continent too, have always had Tribal Knowledge Systems needed for survival, while those tribes in Kenya for instance, who do claim traditional/ancestral roots in the place, have no such Knowledge actually (and as with they totally even, dependent on European, Victorian and even American and Swahili Knowledge Systems, and for survival too that is)} {in all again, unlike the KiKongo or the Yoruba for instance, and who can be identified by Tribal Knowledge Systems in all (and as used for survival that is), many an 'African' tribe in Kenya, is actually heavily Westernized in all too really}.

In all, one does find that (and as with the 'African' in Kenya, coming to dominate Kenyan National views, and after 'Independence' too that is), that speak of the Quintessential, does refer in all again, to the central figure in all, one could very well say, was truly an expert in all too really, and in solving just about all kinds of problems actually {and especially the Technical even}. For Kenya, and as with the 'African' and Colonialism (and Colonial views in all of 'African' survival in Kenya), this Central figure, Quintessential too, was none other than the Colonial Officer {and as with he even, emanating from the England in all, and also Australia too} {to make this clearer is to say that, while these Officers are referred to as British Colonial Officers, they do not truly speak again, of the British presence in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as with some of the British, to be seen living in Ethiopia, others in Kenya (and as 'European' too), and finally others perhaps, living in many ways, alongside the 'African' populations (and doing this too, along with Colonial Officers that is, and in many ways even, under the prestige of the 'Queen of England', and not the British Empire either, and in all again, attempting to deal, with the 'African' side/populations that is}.

In all though, one has seen that since, 'Independence', attempts to replace fully, the Colonial Officer as the Quintessential {the person known in general, to have solutions to just about every problem}, has been done via upraising perhaps, Prominent Businesspeople/Families, Maasai tribespeople even, Prominent White Kenyan Families (and as with they even, from Tanzania and Uganda originally), the Kikuyu tribe, Criminals/Crooks (and such as 'John Kiriamiti' for instance), and finally even, Artists/Sportstars and Deal-makers of all kinds actually {and as with speak too even, of a corrupt Politician to be seen here and there that is}.

In all though, in helping those in Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, deal with this problem of conceiving themselves very much as 'Technical beings' {and in all, dealing with just how to go about tackling even, technical problems in general}, is to introduce in all again, three Archetypal figures even, that can be of help, in helping one truly understand, the very nature, of everyday problems faced {from in all again, what to do if one is lost perhaps, or even, how in all again, to go about polishing a shoe for instance} {and as with all this, truly simply referring even, to basic technical problems, one might face that is}.

The Savannah: The Game Ranger/Keeper

The Plains: Scouts & Troopers

The Arid Areas: Administrative/State Police

Photo notes:

the Game Ranger/Keeper {a figure in all ways even, of Victorian origins, and one too rather reknowed in many ways, and as with regards, to dealing with Technicalities, and within 'the Savannah' too that is}; Scouts & Troopers {and with Troopers here in all again, referring in all, to American State Troopers specifically that is}; Administrative/State Police {and as with they even, the best in all again, and as with regards, to dealing with Technical situations/problems, and of all kinds too that is (and including, a violent argument or three even)}.