Saturday 12 May 2012

The Nebulae

The Nebulae.

It is said, that the very first of Egyptians, did journey into Tanzania in itself, having uncovered in all, something of rather great interest actually: that of the origins of the Earth in itself, was said to lie, in a place, called Lake Nyasa, and within Tanzania too actually. It was said though, that the Journey in itself, and to Lake Nyasa, was not the easiest of them actually. With it said too, to be required taken even, and at a certain time in all, the Journey in all again, was filled, with many a scare and threat, all over, and all the time too actually, as it was believed in all even, that the end of the Journey in itself, would reveal, and to these very first of Egyptians, just whom they truly were: and as with speak too that is, of Destiny, Potential and Self even. On arriving at the very place in itself, Lake Nyasa, it was said that, these very first of Egyptians, were presented in all again, with a vision/Image, of just whom in all again, they truly were and such that, they did not have to spend endless Lifetimes, seeking out this rather precious Knowledge in all too really. An Image too, at the very heart even, of the rise of Egypt in all again, and one said too, to very much look Pharaonic in its ways actually, with it in many ways even, at the very core even, of all kinds of Group Formations, that would be seen, throughout the History of Egypt actually {and as with these Group Formations, very much representative, of the Image in all too really}.

While Italy on the otherhand, was ruled over by issues of Consciousness and Officialism/'Official Media' {and Official Media too, as never observed before, on any place on Earth actually}, the Greeks though, did conceptualize themselves, in a rather different manner: the Nebulae. For it was the Greeks in all, who did not perceive themselves, as other Earthly Humans in all, did actually {meaning, matter first, spirit later}. For the Greeks though, they in all perceived themselves, as Nebulae first {and as with it associated even, with the very origins of the Universe}, and matter last {and with the Greeks in all again, perceived even, as Living Gods on Earth actually}. In all, the goal, was to attempt to become the Nebulae in itself, and on doing so, one could very much achieve anything, they so wanted to, and at any time too actually. This my little ignoramuses, the Nebulae that is, was Sparta.