Saturday 12 May 2012

Ifa & Media

Ifa & Media.

There is something great in all, about the Wholistic practise, associated in all again, with the very world of Awo Falokun Fatunmbi that is: and with it being Ifa too actually. To understand this, is to perhaps best perceive life for many a struggling person, from the very perspective, of Media. Awo Falokun did teach that 'Ifa Works' {and something at that time, I did grasp as being more philosophical in nature and as in saying that, its basic beliefs and tenets, did appear to make for all the sense even}. However though, and in retrospect too, I have come to a new understanding, of just what Awo Falokun in all, did actually mean even, and when he said 'Ifa Works' that is. My new understanding of this, has to do with my now living again, in gossip ridden Kenya actually. For those in Kenya today, trying to survive on their own even, one does find that, their whole lives in many ways, does become enveloped, by the very world of gossip {that Kenya by itself even, is a gossip ridden den of 'the mental' actually, and as in saying that, survival in itself, does call for one attempting in all again, to avoid as much, gossip, as one possibly can}. My realization of this did open up my mind {and as with 'Official Media' that is}, that basic existences just about everywhere in the World even, is highly based around Media in itself {and in the form too of gossip even}. My realizing this again, made me aware of a significant discovery on my part: it being that, what Awo Falokun had been teaching all along, that is 'Ifa Works' {and that in all again, Ifa in itself, was a great replacement for everyday Media actually, that many often do use, for survival in itself that is}.

While young, I did develop a love for the music of Michael Jackson. In many ways now though, and on looking back too, I guess it did have to do with the very fact that his music in all again, did support the way of Ifa actually {and as with developing martial discipline even}.

To understand all this much better though, is to understand, the corrosive nature, of Western Media in all and as seen in the World today that is {that it is in all and at the very least even, driven by gossip and in many ways too that is}.

Ifa, is many things though. For Awo Falokun for instance, primarily, he did highly represent it from the perspective of Consciousness actually {and as with it even, rather helpful for the developing in all again, of rather healthy human bodies that is (and as with the wrestling martial art form known as 'Aki' for instance)}. In many ways, Ifa meeting the Orient perhaps (and as with the Martial Arts too that is), and speak in all again, and as with Ifa religious/spiritual practises that is, of one simply in all again, developing discipline that is.

I on the otherhand, while viewing Ifa as Awo Falokun did readily present it {and with he though, presenting it in many ways, and as with speak tooeven, of the Arthurian that is} {and something to this day, I still find rather interesting too: how he did merge in all, Ifa, and the Arthurian that is (and as with this even, speaking of viewing the Arthurian and Ifa, from the perspectives of the Media that is)}. I did however though, take a liking even, to speak of Ifa, and from its Oracles too {and as with this even, referring to many a Religio-Military Organization of the past actually (and as with my believing in all again, I could very well operate as such, and in a World too, I did very much view as openly hostile in many ways truly)} {and as with conspiracy theories too, my realizing of this even, having to do with my being a Moor actually}.

Awo Philip Neimark on the otherhand, did introduce Ifa to his clients even, and in a way, I would actually latch on rather quickly even, and more than the other two views of Ifa that is: that being, from the Iponri in all (and the 'Higher Self' too even). What this did do was, it openly and readily introduced me to the very world of Psychology even, and as with taking the Iponri, to be a base psychological part of one, and all other psychological parts in one perhaps, operating in many ways even, around the Iponri actually {and as with Awo Neimark, relating all this in many ways, to the Orisha within us actually (and not outside us either)} {a very interesting way and in my opinion too, of view Psychology in all, and as compared even, to the conventional way in all again, of viewing Psychology, primarily from the Self that is}.

There is still though, a fourth way of viewing Ifa, and as a medical/healing practise too actually, and as highly based around Oriki, Sacred writings, and even Religious practises associated with Gods/Goddesses, and as seen in Ifa too (and such as Olodumare for instance) {and in many ways even, referring to Ifa, as not only practised by the Yoruba, but also, by Women in Ifa too actually}. In many ways even, and as with Awo Falokun referring to all this as 'Iyami osoronga' and 'Aje' even, and an area of Ifa too in all again, I guess I did take rather seriously even, and as with thinking of Ifa even, and more or less from the very perspective of 'Family Spirit' actually {and as with the 'Abyssinian Economic Federation' too that is}.

There are some though, they being many a poster on Awo Falokuns and Awo Philip Neimarks websites, that did appear in all again, to approach Ifa, from more or less the perspective of dealing, with Sociological problems that is {and such as living in poor neighbourhoods for instance}, or even, Self-Image problems too that is {and as with attempting even, to use the Orisha, to deal with all this actually}. In my opinion again, lots of potential here and as with regards to Teenage life even, and as I did notice that, both Awo Falokun and Awo Philip Neimark, did fail somewhat even, to fully realize, the views and fears, of many a minority even, and who did post questions, with regards to all this actually {how to deal, with Sociological and Self-Image problems that is, and via Ifa too}. In my opinion again, a rather interesting way of viewing Ifa, as Awo Falokun did introduce this all and in some ways even, from the perspective of using Ifa, to study the Word, and the Image too actually {and as with this basically even, all about using Ifa, to analyze many a Social Image even, and as put out there by the Western Media for instance, and as with further talk even, of being Political Correct that is} {In many ways again, lots of potential here, and as with regards to the Word even (and as with my belief that Ifa can be used in all again, to create rather interesting languages/slang even, that could in all again too, help unleash even, ones potential, and in many ways too that is (and as with my truly knowing even perhaps, that the Pen in all, can be truly mightier, than the Sword actually))} {and in many ways again and at the very least too, Ifa, and as used in all too really, to improve or bring about change even, and on just about any Social Image too, and as put out there and by the Western Media too that is}.

In all though, and as with referring back to Michael Jacksons music, is to promote Ifa in all again, and for those in Abyssinia too, and who are truly notwell comfortable even, with Media and as seen today that is. The belief that (and particularly true for Abyssinia), that we do need a daily dosage of Media in all and in our everyday lives too that is (and as with this including simply speaking to another perhaps), and in order to survive, and when it is my belief that, Ifa, can play a great role even, and as with helping do away with all this that is {manipulation and control even, and by Media too, and as with regards, to everyday living (and something in all again, that Awo Falokun did repeatedly refer to and speak on, but with my noticing even, many of us, were in such a daze and such that, we did not truly catch on, to what he was truly saying: that Media in all again, can be such a powerful existence that once in, we might very well even, lose ourselves in it and never be able, to find a way out actually (and as with this even, referring, to the very world of gossip too for instance))}.

In many ways again, in helping know and understand this better, is to say that, manipulation and control by Media, appears in many ways even, to deal with disrupting, our natural tempo, flow and beat too actually {and as with this even, what addictions in many ways, are truly all about} {and as with furtherly stating that, once Media does mess with ones natural tempo, flow and beat, one in many ways even, can be considered, an addict (and of one kind or another too that is)}.

In conclusion though, is to say in all again that, Western Media, will mess with you, by attempting to show others in good light, and by in all again, presenting them even, as having rather good tempo, flow and beat too actually, and attempting in all again, to make others (those deemed inferior that is) look stupid or servile/slave like even, and by presenting them in all again, and as having poor tempo, flow and beat too actually {as with this even, speaking to many a minority out there, and in the Americas too, never having truly recovered, from issues associated in all again, with Slavery that is: that Slavery in all again, was actually simply all about, messing with ones natural tempo, flow and beat even (and as with this even, probably truly said, to be that part of us, so totally human, that in all ways even, it is that part of us, many of us do seek out, when asking 'Whom am I?'}.

