Sunday 27 May 2012

The Choir

The Choir.

The true History of Abyssinia in all, has never truly been spelled out actually. That in all, while Societal life in Kenya for instance, does go back to the Colonial, the Pre-Colonial and the Victorian even, life in both 'the Savannah', and 'the Plains' too, did actually differ, and in rather many ways even {and as with stating furtherly that, the 'Arid areas' in all, had a life to it, somewhat American, somewhat South American too, and finally even, somewhat Swahili and Cushitic too actually}. In 'the Savannah' though, life in most ways was Victorian (but including the Cushitic too), but with life in all again, and in 'the Plains' too, somewhat not only Cushitic too actually, but also, very much somewhat English {and as with saying that, the old name for Abyssinia in all, was actually 'New England'} {and as with furtherly stating too that, the above video in all, does show in all again, a background banner perhaps, that is actually 'New England', and not England either, and as to be seen/found in Europe too actually}.

To add to all this is to let known too that, the Choir, is actually an ensemble in all, and of far much more recent origins {'New England'/Abyssinia, and during the Victorian times too}, and is not, old European culture either {and with the Choir again, associated in all, with Esoteric Christianity too, and as practised, in 'New England'/Abyssinia that is} {this said too because, and due in all again to British Mercantilism perhaps, the Choir today, has found a home in many ways, in Asia, Africa, modern Europe, South America, and even North America/America in itself actually} {and as with old Europe too, housing in all, what they do term a 4 piece Choral Quartet actually, and not the Choir either}.