Monday 30 April 2012



The foremost book posted above 'The Bolter: Idina Sackville' speaks in many ways, of not only life and as once seen in Karen/Lakeview, 'Nairobi' too, and in the 30's too actually, but in many ways truly, life as based around Ritual in all, and even truly again, the Wilson Airport and in Nairobi too that is {and speak too even, of memories of Karen Blixen that is}.

To speak of Ritual and Africa, is to in all say that, of all the components of fundamental living in Africa {Ritual, Community, Traditions}, it is Ritual, that is the most fundamental and important, of all these three, and as with regards, to general survival in Africa that is. Having said this is to also say that, many an African population today, cannot be said to be genuinely African, and as with furtherly stating that, most so called African tribes, have poor or zero even, knowledge, and of Ritual in all {and as with stating even that, genuine African History and as with Ritual too, can be truly summarized by the Khoi/Bushmen, the Pygmies of Central Africa, the Fulani/Woodabe, the Egyptians, and finally in all too really, the Victorians too actually}. Sounds controversial, but what separates the above groups from other Africans {and including Nubians too actually}, is the very fact that, they did ground their lives in all, in Ritual {and as with it highly important in Africa, for general survival too that is} {and as with also stating that, the Victorians in Kenya, actually did look very much like how Africans in all, who do know and understand Africa (and as the Egyptians did too), do actually look like, and as with most Africans today (and as with their borrowing culture from elsewhere even), looking very much like peoples from the Middle East in all, Asians, Westerners, and Moderners in all too really (or Urbanized folks that is)}.

The problems with most Africans {and including the Libyans and Nubians of old even (and who in all again, never did truly know whom they were in Africa actually)}, is how in all again, they do conceptualize Ritual, Community and Traditions in all. That in all, while the Egyptians for instance, heavily grounded their lives in Ritual {and as with Community and Traditions coming in later on}, most in Africa {and including the Libyans and Nubians of old too actually}, actually in all did design their societies, as primarily based around Community in all, followed by Ritual, and then Traditions {and in all ways truly, life in all, that one can truly ascribe to as being Modern and in all ways too even}.

While Europe too, had its life/evolution in all, heavily grounded in Arthurian/Celt Ritual {and as with what even, makes Europe somewhat Egyptian} {and with the Celts too in all, having had some Egyptian like Rituals amongst them}, it is important for those in Abyssinia in all again, {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, to truly learn how to ground their lives in Ritual, and not Community either {or wind up creating the very same kind of chaos, seen in the rest of Africa today, and where life in all again is heavily lived primarily, around Community actually} {and Community too, not grounded in any form of spiritual/religious tradition for instance, but merely in all again, on simple friendships even}. In all, the advised pattern is Ritual -> Community -> Traditions {but with life in Europe on the otherhand, having been based on Ritual -> Traditions -> Community}.

Hasta luego
