Sunday 22 April 2012

The Antenna

The Antenna.

One of the places within Africa that can truly be said to have an interesting History in all, is Ghana actually. In order to understand this is to in all again perhaps, speak in many ways truly, of Communication Protocols, and as associated in all too really, with communicating with the Gods that is.

Ghana as a whole {and as with what even, does unite its rather many tribal groups actually}, is a place in all again, that has historically {and as with Western Africa too that is}, been associated in all again truly, with Temples {and Temples too, as places in all, having to do with 'High Communications' actually (and as with attempting even, to communicate with rather powerful Gods for instance)}. In many ways truly and as a result too that is, the History of Ghana does mirror that of the Ancient World {from China, to India, to Italy, to Greece and even Egypt too actually}, in that these places in all again, had their History's in too really, highly defined even, by the Temple in all too really.

In Modern times though, we do see the very idea of Communication Protocols, as being highly based around, the Antenna in all too really {and as with it in all too even, strongly associated with just about any major event that is, and as believed in all again perhaps, as just about to happen actually}. In many ways, a World highly defined by Security Communications Protocols, and one too, highly lackluster in its ways {and as with saying that, nothing much of interest does happen in closely watched and guarded environments and that in all, the History of the Modern World (and as with historical events too that is), can very well be truly associated in all again, with only the Entertainment Industry in all too really}.

In Abyssinia though, the whole idea is to in many ways even, live life as it once was lived, in the Pre-Historic and European times actually {that is, as with it based around Religious Literature and in all too really}. Religious Literature in all again, highly imbued in itself, with all forms of Communication Protocols {but mainly occurring in all even, in the form of premonitions or forewarnings too actually}. In all ways even, all this speaking of the very much loved world that did mix everyday life, with drama, mystery, comedy, and finally in all too even, humanity in itself actually.

'the Italian'