Saturday 21 April 2012

The Christ Consciousness

The Christ Consciousness.

In many ways, and as with it being in alignment with Consciousness and as seen in Ifa too actually, the Christ Consciousness in all ways even, does speak in all to really, of Evil in all again, and as seen in Everyday Abyssinia too that is {and as with speaking in all too really, of the attempt to brand, name or pronounce in all too even, another, as being illicit, illegal or unlawful in most ways actually} {and in many ways too even, referring in all again to a person in all too even, who might attempt to observe one rather closely in all, and at all times too actually, and as with not only speak of limiting freedoms in all again, but also truly, attempting to be annoying and as with regards to criticism and judgment in all too even, and on any move or action made in all and by another too that is (that in all, all this in many ways truly, is the greatest trial in all too even, that one does face in every living moment, and to be seen and found within Abyssinia that is)}.

