Sunday 22 April 2012

Computer Algorithms

Computer Algorithms.

One of the major frustrations about living in Africa in general, has to do with just how to deal, with everyday chaos {and as with Africa even, just simply more prone to all this it appears, than many another place out there actually} {and as with speak too even, of just how to define in all 'African Time' that is}.

In the Western/Modern World, attempts at dealing with chaos in all, has led to the development of Communication Systems in all again, highly based around Queueing Systems and in many ways truly, attempts at dealing with chaos in all, and as based around dealing with Delay issues in all ways actually {and not necessarily 'Waiting issues' that is}.

In Abyssinia though, it is best believed that taking a Cultural perspective to all this, is truly the right way to go. In all ways, this truly means in all again, mastering Waiting & Timing Sequences, and as the best way in all again, to simply get things 'Mobile' in most ways truly {and not just merely 'Moving'} {and 'Mobile' too, as with endless motion in all too even}. In many ways truly, the study of Computer Algorithms {and Theoretically too that is}, can at the very least help those in Abyssinia, develop proper Waiting & Timing Sequences {and as in saying truly that, most or all problems even and to be seen within Abyssinia that is, do appear in all again, to have this issue/matter at their very heart and core actually}.

