Sunday 29 April 2012

The Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx.

Egypt!! - the Romance never does die. What in many ways, were the key characteristics that did surround in all, the very rise of a many a Civilization, and from mere shards of Pottery too actually. For Egypt in many ways, it had to do, with the generation of rather many small Ideas in all, that with time again, could be very well put together, and in one way or another too {or even truly again, grow into something big, and very much on their own too actually}. For Greece, it had to do with truly understanding in all too even, what did truly in all again, did constitute a Dream, or a Vision too actually {and as with speak of Reality that is} {and one of the main reasons why, many a scholar or student of Greece in itself, do tend to misrepresent it in many ways: and as with stating that, Greece did not highly evolve around Greek Politics in all, but in many ways truly, based on understanding/proving, a Dream or Vision and in many ways truly} {in all ways though, Greece was truly in all again, the freest place on Earth probably, and as any Dream or Vision attained, was given full consideration in all too even, and in making it manifest actually (and in all ways again, the attempts to make Abyssinia real, does follow this Model in all ways even)}. For Italy on the otherhand, it had do with the fact that the Italian Language, is probably the most developed of all Languages known to Man, and enabling Italians in all again, to think as freely and wildly, as they possibly could/can.

When one thinks of Egypt and Abyssinia, one in many ways truly, should think the Great Sphinx {and not 'Aegyptus' truly either}. The Great Sphinx too, and as with thoughts of Architecture, or even Cultural manifestations in themselves, but as with saying truly that, the Sphinx in itself, does truly represent many things. On one hand, and as mentioned much previously before, the Great Sphinx can be viewed from its housing in all, thousands (and if not more) of Human faces, that do represent, Spirituality in all {and as based around MA'AT too actually}. Another way of viewing the Sphinx, is from its Animal/Human form {and as with saying truly that, nearly all of Egypt's Gods & Goddesses, did emanate in many ways, from the Sphinx in itself actually}. A third way of viewing the Sphinx is from the perspective of it housing in all again, lots of other smaller in all, Sphinxes {and as with the Sphinx in all too, viewed a cornerstone in all too even, of not only how Architecture in Egypt was perceived in all again, but in many ways truly, it serving in all too really, as a centerpiece in all too even, of Official Communications and as seen, in Egypt in itself actually}. A fourth way of viewing the Sphinx again {and as associated with Moors too actually}, spoke in all ways even, of viewing the Sphinx from not only its Headdress, but also in all ways too even, from Conscious States actually {and in many ways too even, the very way the Pharaohs of Egypt, did view the Sphinx in all too really}.

There is however in all, a fifth way in all too even, of viewing the Sphinx actually, and as with it even, perfect for Abyssinia that is. This in many ways truly, speaks of viewing the Sphinx in all, from its Geometrical proportions {and as with they even, believed perfect and from more or less, a Mathematical perspective that is} {and as with speak too even, of Sacred Geometry that is}, and proportions too, not only to be applied to Architecture in itself, but in all ways too even, speaking of not only Architecture, but also Culture in itself, and in all ways truly even {and as with speak too even of Archimedean Geometry that is}, all this studied from the perspectives of Volume, Area, Surfaces and even Time based Dimensions and in all too actually {and as with saying that, there is a way of thinking about Culture in all, highly based around this i.e. Volume etc., and in many ways too actually, a good example of this, would be what they do call Psychedelia in all too really} {and with Psychedelia too, somewhat in many ways truly known (but more or less from a Spiritual/Sociological/Healing perspective that is), and to many a North American Native Indian 'tribe' actually}.

'the Moor'