Saturday 7 April 2012

The Red Triangle

Communist Beliefs and Abyssinia.

In many ways truly, it is falsely and highly even, believed that, only Russia in modern Europe in all ways even, was truly Communist actually. What then though, is Communism really {and as (once) seen in all too perhaps, in both Europe and China too actually}? At the very least, it can be said in all even, to be a major enemy in all too really, of Christian Beliefs actually {and as with stating that, Communism in all ways too even, does support Beliefs, Dogma, that are in all ways truly, rather Un-Christian in their ways actually} {and with Socialism too, differing from Communism in all in that, its supports in all again, the polar belief in all truly, of a dichotomy between Christianity and Atheism in all truly}.

In all ways too even, unknown to most, the most Communist {or Dogmatic even}, of European Countries, have always in all, been Russia, France and the UK too actually {and with 'East Germany' in all ways even, actually having been Socialist in all ways truly (and as versus Modern/Capitalist West Germany too that is)}. Perhaps in all too again, this might sound rather surprising in all, but one can truly attempt in all too really, to best describe Communism in all again, as being primary defined by a Communist State actually, and a State too, best perceived even, as being truly, a highly Policed State in all too really (and as with not only Spying/'Intelligence' either) {but also truly even, speak in many ways of, the KGB, the M15/M16, and also truly even, France' rather many Intelligence Units actually (the DGSE/DCRI/DRM/DPSD/UCLA/DRPP/TRACFIN/DNRED) (and speak too even, of the French Foreign Legion in all actually)}.

In all ways perhaps, Communism (and Socialism too even), does call for one to hold Beliefs in all again, rather Un-Christian in their ways actually {and it must be pointed out that, it is Communist States such as the UK, France and Russia too actually (and hereby aptly termed 'the Red Triangle') (and as with modern British Commercialism in all too really, and as seen in the UK today actually, highly defined in all even, by Communist/fascist Beliefs actually) (and as with talk even, of anything in all not British, perceived immediately even, as being rather Inferior and in all too really), that have been responsible in all again, for painting in all too really, the Christian World in all (and as with today even), as highly even, populated by Pedophiles for instance actually (and in all too that, Christianity in all, is a morally even, bankrupt Religion actually, and in all too that, Islam, and not Communism either, is Christendoms main challenge today actually)}.

In alongside these Beliefs, and as in stating even that, Abyssinia in all, is not only highly Christian in all truly {but aspires in many ways too even, to be a 'World State' in all actually}, therefore in all ways too even, does deem 'the Red Triangle' {modern Russia, the UK and modern France}, as one of its major Enemies in all truly {and Enemies too, more of the 'Cold War' variety actually (meaning in all too that, Trade with these Countries is not highly restricted actually, (and as with speak too even, of their European Pasts in all), but also truly that, a 'Cold War' in all again, perhaps best seen/faced out in all, in a rather similar manner, to the first 'Cold War' actually: meaning in all, Magnanimous talks on Nuclear Weaponry, and also truly even, competitive 'Ice Hockey' Games in suit too actually}.

