Monday 16 April 2012



One of the more memorable persons I do remember in all 'meeting', and while in Canada too that is, was one Dr. Maundy. To many though, he was in many ways viewed from his Voice pitch, but to myself and a few other perhaps, mainly in all again, from the very perspective that, he did very much have the face of a 'Fat Cat' actually {and as with speak too even really, of real Cat that is, and one with a Fat face to boot} {and not speak either, of a rich fat person that is}. Then you did have a certain (Dr.) Steve Norman, known for his Athletic build and his deep voice in many ways truly {and one too, and as with the Womenfolk in the Engineering building where I did attend my classes in all again, said to have sexual overtones to it all actually}, but in all ways even, someone in many ways again, with a large Pussycat Head on his rather broad shoulders {and as with speak too, of a Cartoon Cat that is}.

In many ways, these two individuals did strongly influence how I did in all again perceive my chances of Succeeding {and in just about anything}, and in the Western World that is {and as with they in all again, embodying in many ways even, just how Masculinity and Manliness in all, were perceived in all truly, and in the Western World that is}. In all truly, I did not fit the very image perhaps {of Masculinity and Manliness}, that the Western World often put out, as with speak even, of Employment issues in many ways truly {that in all, one had at the very least to be tall, and to be gainfully employed that is}.

In all truly perhaps, we do live in a World today, highly defined by Physiology {meaning not only Physical Images in all, but also truly even, speak of the Subconscious or even truly, just how well conditioned in all, ones 6 Senses in all again, truly are}. In many ways, a World today, highly obsessed with Physical Body Images, Physical Conditioning, and speak too even of the very belief that, the only virtue one does truly require in all, is ones Physical Strength actually {even if it might be Brute Strength that is} {and meaning in all again that, one is no longer a Human, but a Brute in all ways truly}.

In helping understand this furtherly, is to say that our Physiologies in all today, do determine in all truly, not just how well we do look actually, but also truly, what in all again, does happen to us in all truly {and as with speak even, of Physical Images in all, and employment, socializing/dating, popularity, political issues in all too really} {and as with one again, truly required to be fully Western/Modern in the above manner that is, and in order, to be able to succeed in the Western/Modern World that is}.

Abyssinia though, does attempt in all truly, to bring back the more or less golden times seen in all too even, in very much recent Generations actually {and prior that is, to the 30's in many ways truly}, and as with speak of people in all again, and in those times, heavily judged around Physiognomy actually {and as with this speaking of not only Facial features in all, but also Facial expressivity in all truly, and also truly again, beliefs in all again pertaining to what can happen to one out there, and as based around too even, ones face/physiognomy in all too really}.

In many ways, John Fowles 'The Magus', is very much who I am with Physiognomy and while in Abyssinia too that is {and as with it even, speaking of just how great and free in all, the 20' were in many ways truly} {and as compared to the highly restricted/limited lives, lived around Westernized Physiologies in all too that is}.

