Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Cherubim

The Cherubim.

In many ways truly, what has been written about Abyssinia in all, cannot be truly again regarded as being rather Spiritual even {and let alone, highly Spiritual that is}. In all again, what is been said here is that, what has been written about, won't get one to the Heavens in all truly, and by simply in all again, living it all out that is {and as with saying too even, it does represent the Mundane in many ways truly}.

To get to the Heavens in all again, is to at the very least even, speak of Drama in all truly (and as with the Spiritual too perhaps), that does in all again, result in things happening in all and rather swiftly too even actually {and on any given day too that is}, and that does lead in all again perhaps, to many a dilemma even, and in all truly does question even, whether or not God in 'himself', does truly exist actually.

In all ways, understanding Abyssinia in many ways too really (and as with it highly Christian even), is to perhaps in all again best associate its Drama in all, with the so called Cherubim actually {they being very Angels too, that were in all said to guard the Garden of Eden actually}, and as with saying too that, everyday drama in all again, and as seen in Abyssinia too actually, has one main root to it all really: Temptation (and as with the Apple, Eve, and Adam too in all actually).

'the Moor'