Tuesday 17 April 2012


Jewerly and Abyssinia.

To probably best know just how the old Worlds and the New/Modern World did in all differ from each other, is to best perhaps see them in all again truly, from the very perspective of Wealth & Riches. Take Europe for instance, Wealth & Riches were very imagined up from a central view in all, of building up Wealth & Riches in all again, from a certain 'fountain'/foundational Material piece: with this being Dress & Clothing in old Europe that is. A similar model though, is used today and in the Western/Modern World that is, and speaks in many ways truly even, of what they do call 'the Haves', and 'the Have-Nots' in Western/Modern/White Society that is. In many ways truly, 'the Haves' (as with they somewhat Italian in many ways truly), do imagine themselves Wealthy and Rich, and as based around associating all Wealth & Riches in all truly, as centered around luxurious Drinks & Wines actually {that in all, the Mansion perhaps, and of a Wealthy person today, does go hand in hand, with a more or less luxurious Drink and not Fashion in itself either}. Those termed 'the Have-Nots' on the otherhand, are in all ways truly even, those who do attempt to accumulate Wealth & Riches and as highly based around Fashion in itself actually {and as with the belief that, owning a wonderful Wardrobe in all truly, is the very first key to thinking up / imagining up just about any kind Wealth & Riches in all too really (and as with Fashion too, considered a lowly form of Dress & Clothing in olden Europe for instance actually)}.

For those in Abyssinia though, when thinking of Wealth & Riches in all, it is best to center all these views and thoughts from the perspective of primarily accumulating Jewerly {and as with this even, including jewelled Swords for instance}. That this in all again, should be considered the primary form of Wealth & Riches to be accumulated in all, and on doing so, one could very much more easily in all truly, truly decide in all too even, just what specifically in all to do with their lives actually {and as with the Romanovs even, believed in all again to have Mythic origins, in (Esoteric) Christian Ethiopia (Abyssinia that is), and as with speak too even, of a certain General Hannibal that is}.


'the European Moor'