Saturday 28 April 2012

Financial Policy

Financial Policy and Abyssinia.

We do in all live in a World today, where Money in all ways even {and as with Legal tender too actually}, is highly concentrated in all again, around Centralized Banking actually. In many ways, what this has done is not only slow an Economy or two seen out there in all, but in all ways even, led to anyone in all seeking out Money in itself actually, to seek out Authoritative figures, and not Social figures either actually {and as with stating that, Money in the olden World did circulate very much, highly based around Social figures in all, and not Authoritative figures either}.

In helping Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, reconnect to History in itself {and as with Humanity too actually} {and in many ways too even, this speaking of the world of Literature in all too really}, is to introduce in all again, a Financial Policy {and Community/Communal based that is}, that can help those in Abyssinia in all too really, start thinking about Money in relatively new ways actually {meaning in all again, more from the perspective of Wastage, and rather than Shortage too actually (and as with Authoritative figures that is)}.

The Savannah: Treasury

The Plains: Monetary Funds

The Arid areas: Money lending Schemes

Photo notes:

the Treasury {with many a Country today, not having well functioning Treasuries anymore, one can in many ways even, simply think of Treasuries, as a Group perhaps, who do recognize that Money in a place or Country, can be well spent in all too even, by investing it perhaps, in certain areas of living in all, and as with this Money too, circulated in all again, by Social figures actually (and not Authoritative either), and as via actually, what they do call Bursaries in all for example}; the Monetary Fund {as with it in all again, referring to a Private Group perhaps, who do invite folks in all again, believed to have great even, Potential, and in just about anything too, to join up in their Fund in all too really, and as with helping in all too even, simply invest perhaps, Money, in the very right places actually (and as with stating that, owning Money in all, is not a pre-requisite for joining such Funds actually, but in all too really, the Potential in all of simply knowing just how to invest Money in itself actually)}; the Money Lending Scheme {far more prevalent today than most think it to be (and as with speak too even, of Money in the form of Vouchers perhaps), Money Lending Schemes in all, do speak of the Financial Industry (and as based around management issues too actually), and also truly, Small-scale Banking in all too really (and very world too even of Risk-Management and in all too really)}