Monday 16 April 2012

The Internet

The Internet and Abyssinia.

The search for many a freedom and liberty by most, is in many ways truly acquainted with Political structures in all, as associated truly, with what they do term Country, People, Land and Nation in all too really. That in all, these Political existences {Country, Land etc.}, do in all again come with Political structures in all, and which unknown to many, can heavily in all too even, truly limit ones freedoms and liberties in all too really, and in more ways even, than one may truly acknowledge actually {and as with even the most Intelligent of thinkers in all, trapped into thinking based around these Political structures in all again (and as with their not knowing in all too even, that utilizing them in all truly, and at their very highest levels even, can truly in all again, truly limit their thinking patterns in far much more ways than one might believe actually)} {and with the erreneous belief in all too really, that the United States of America in all ways even, is most developed with regards to all this, when in reality a country like Jordan in the Middle East, is actually far more developed in many ways (personal freedoms and liberties that is), than the United States of America truly is (and as with stating too that, being perceived in all too even, and as a Minority in the Modern/Western World, highly limits in all truly, ones personal freedoms and liberties, and in more ways than one can believe actually: as with one in all, able to be killed rather easily, and due to the fact that, most in the Western World (and especially minorities that is), cannot afford Legal/Lawyer services of most kinds actually)].

In many ways, the above (limiting of personal freedoms and liberties), is one of the main reasons why many are obsessed, with the Internet in most ways truly {as with they in all again, not truly understanding why they do feel restricted in behaviour in general actually (and subconsciously too that is), even when afforded all kinds of rights within their countries of residence in all too really}.

To understand the above better is to know that, the Country in many a place out there, is defined heavily around Air Transport actually {and as with speak too even, of having access to most Knowledge based endeavours in all that is}, while the Land in all again, is mainly defined around the Army/Militaries {and as with they even, at the very heart in all too really, of lots of problem solving to be seen in many a 'Country' actually}, and with the Nations in all again, heavily defined around Road Transport/Networks in all truly {and as with many a Road Transport Network built in a 'Country' that is, actually servings its Wealthy Elites in all truly}, and finally with the People in all again defined around Cellular/Telephone Communications Systems in all truly {and as with this even, what does constitute personal freedoms and liberties in all, and to most of the Worlds populations too that is}.

In Abyssinia though, the attempt in all to define personal freedoms and liberties, is truly in all even highly based around its De-constructing in all too really {and as with Ngugi wa Thiongo's 'Deconstructing the Mind'}, of these Political existences {and associated Political structures in all too really}. And as with stating in all again that, there are other far more better existences in all, in helping free up people in Abyssinia, to think as freely as they can in all truly {and as with these alternatives, very much at the Communal/Community levels actually, and speaking truly even, of Sovereignty and in many ways truly}.

Two fine examples of these, were posted in another entry before {'Community Design Project: Abyssinia'}:

4. Kenyan Information Networks:

10. The Kenyan Hinterlands:

In finality though, there is another alternative heavily based around the Internet in itself actually. That in all, one as Individual in all too even, can truly attempt to meet their needs and demands, and as based around defining Country, People, Land and Nation, in the following manners: Emailing/Messaging Systems (and the Country), E-Commerce/Online Auctions (and the People), Internet History & Technologies (and the Land), and finally Online Content/Media (and the Nation). In all ways truly, it is very possible for an Individual to learn how to live and exist (and Internationally too that is), as based around their understanding and knowing in all, of how to deal and interact in all too even, with the above mentioned four spheres in all, of the Internet that is.

