Monday 23 April 2012

National Conscious States

National Conscious States.

Many of those who do live in Abyssinia {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, have in some ways been poorly programmed in all, on just how to go about observing in all, the whole place in all too really. In many ways, this does speak of Conscious States, and as with perhaps associating a City out there {and like Toronto for instance}, with a major landmark in all {and such as the CN Tower too for instance}, and in all ways too even, many would then find in all, than in all ways even, many a resident of Toronto in itself, would be generally truly aware of the whole City {its problems and potentials}, by centering themselves in all again {and as with Conscious States too that is}, around the CN Tower for instance {and hence in all again, the ability in all too even, to make out where the poor neighbourhoods are located in all for instance, or even truly again, how far even the city of Calgary in itself is from Toronto for instance}.

In Abyssinia though {Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia}, one does come to realize in many ways truly that, National Conscious States, have come to be shaped around what they do call in all, the 'Rift Valley' actually. As with it even said to be a huge gorge on the lands surface, extending all the way deep into Ethiopia (and from Kenya presumably), but also splitting into two in many ways really, and as with one side said in all again, to be headed towards Somalia that is. In all ways even, many in Abyssinia {Ethiopia and Kenya especially}, have come to develop Consciousness States in all {and as based around the above mentioned National Conscious State too actually (and as centered around the 'Rift Valley' that is)}, that in many ways truly, has many believing Kenya and Ethiopia in all, as rather difficult places to reside in actually {and as with viewing the potentials (and problems too), of the whole place as centered around the 'Rift Valley' in itself actually}. In many ways, a view {Conscious States}, that does have many viewing Kenya or Ethiopia even (and in all again too that is), from the perspective truly, of Urbanization (and its problems), and Abyssinian Wildlife too (and speak in all again, of the potentials of the whole place that is) {meaning in all that, a believed 'futuristic' battle in all, between 'expanding' Humans, and Wildlife on the otherhand}. In all ways, Conscious States that have developed since 'Independence' came to Kenya in all, and in many ways too even, has led many to believe in all again that Land is a rather scarce resource in all too really, and within Abyssinia too that is {and as with saying that, Land in Abyssinia is not the easiest to deal with and from an agricultural perspective too actually}.

In many ways though, for those in Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'} wishing to get a more upbeat look on the whole place is to associate in all again, Conscious States, with several Nature based terrains in all {and as with helping make one truly aware in all too really, of whats possibly happening or not and in just about any place in Abyssinia too that is (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia)}.

The Savannah: Rivers & Tributaries

The Plains: Hot/Water Springs, Geysers and Geo-thermal Pools

The Arid areas: Craters & Caves

Photo notes:

the Mara River {and as in adding furtherly that, what they do term swamps/marshes in all, are in many ways truly, to be found in 'the Savannah' in all too really}, Lake Bogoria Geysers {and in also saying that, what some do term 'the moors' (and as with speak of England too that is), are in many ways found in 'the Plains' actually (and especially in Ethiopia too actually)}, Longonot Crater {and with what are known more or less as Meadows actually (rather green places where Cattle can easily graze in all), to be seen more or less, in the 'Arid areas' of Abyssinia actually}