Tuesday 3 April 2012


Dogma and Abyssinia.

For those living within Abyssinia in all, and probably too and in all ways truly even thinking that, there must be simple in all, standard solutions to just about any problem faced {and as with just how even, the Western/Modern World in all, truly does present itself actually}, is to know that, problem solving in Abyssinia is not best approached from the perspective of Ingredients actually, Peoples, Tools or even Knowledge in itself truly, but in all again from the point in all that, problem solving in all again, can best truly be seen in all, from the perspective of viewing things in general as being either Mixes, Fusions, Blends, Combinations or even truly again what they do call 'Combos' actually {and as with the case too even, of a Fellowship in all truly} {that in all again, problem solving and Dogma in itself and within Abyssinia too that is, truly speaks of attempting in all again truly, to seek out Pureness (or Immaculateness in itself actually), and as with saying in all again too that, most problems in Abyssinia in all, tend to present themselves from a mixed or fused perspective actually, and that the goal or challenge in place in all again, is to put the problem faced in all, apart actually (and into many parts truly even and as with truly in all seeking out Pureness actually), and then deal with it all from the perspective in all truly again, of viewing a solution in all, in the form of a Mix, Fusion etc.} {and as with this truly even, what truly does constitute Dogma within Abyssinia in itself actually (i.e., what exactly is considered to be truly Pure, or Immaculate in itself too actually)}.

In many ways truly even, the book mentioned above 'The Maid and the Queen' does in all again, speak of Dogma as defined above, and in many ways too really a worthy read in all truly, for those living within Abyssinia actually.

'the Moor'

Pemba, Abyssinia