Thursday 19 April 2012

Official History

Official Recorded History and Abyssinia.

To speak of Recorded History for many today, is to speak of a Government authorized Textbook perhaps, that in most ways truly can be heavily misleading in all too even {and as with it even, associating in all, the very History of a place in all truly, with only certain deemed important Political/historical events that is}. In many ways (and as with the Modern too that is), the associating of History in a place in all, with only a few segments of its Populations in all truly {and as with the case even, of Gandhi and India that is} {and as with most out there not truly knowing even, just how Indians in all again, truly do look like actually (and as with believing them in all too really, to be very much only like Gandhi in all, and in both looks and behaviour too that is)}, and in all ways even, this making Modern Recorded History in most ways truly, rather fabricated in its ways actually.

To speak of Abyssinia/Kenya {'the Savannah', 'the Plains' and the 'Arid areas'}, is to in all again say that, most known/Modern Historical accounts of the place, are not truly realistic in their ways actually {and of the Place as a whole too that is}. And in many ways truly, deal with the Political problems in all again, of only a few 'Ethnic'/Tribal groups to be found within Kenya {and as with saying truly that, most of these peoples appearing African to many, actually did come in all from Asia in all truly (and as with this speaking in all too even, of tribes such as the Kikuyu, Luo, or even the Kamba too somewhat; and as with this even, referring to many a custom/ritual seen within these so called African tribes in all too really)} {and with many Urbanized problems associated with Kenya/Nairobi in all again, truly having Islamic/Middle Eastern roots in many ways actually (and as with former slaves even, and from the Middle East too, moving into Kenya to live in the place actually)}.

In saying this, is to also say that, a Country like Modern Kenya is not truly an African Country in all, and as with most even, of its populations in all again, at the very least not of African origins {and as with DNA too that is}, but also in all ways too even, not practising African Cultures {and as with so called Cushitic groups in all again, more or less Egyptian like in their ways actually, and not African/Nubian either that is}.

A better way in all again, of viewing Abyssinia's/Kenya's History {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', and the 'Arid areas'}, is from the perspective of the following three structures:

The Savannah: Archives

The Plains: Museums

The Arid areas: Law Bodies

Photo notes:

the Kenya National Archives {as with they even, housing all sorts of Knowledge/Information in all, and on the Victorians (and Europeans too even), residing in Kenya way before Colonialism ever happened that is}; the Kenyan National Museum {unknown to most, believed to speak of Kenya's History in general, but in many ways truly, actually does speak of Kenya's History from the perspective of Officialism/'Official Media & Rule', and in many ways too even, does somewhat attempt to speak of so termed Kenyan Tribal History, when in reality, it is a History of Colonialism, and in many ways too actually, the British Commonwealth as seen in Kenya too really}; the Law Society of Kenya/'Milimani Law Courts' {and as with its storage facilities perhaps, housing records on those in Kenya, living in the Arid areas, but with Kenyan Law Bodies in all again, having somewhat even, come to intermix in all too even, with modern Kenyan Publishing Media and as with most even, of Kenyan Magazines, Books and Newspapers in all too even, speaking in all truly, of History in Kenya and as seen in all truly again, within the 'Arid areas' only that is}