Friday 27 April 2012

The 7 Heavenly Virtues

The 7 Heavenly Virtues

While growing up, I did notice in all, that I was kind of isolated from other Kenyans in many ways truly. The main reason for this (and as with my uncovering it that is), had to do with the very fact that, most Kenyans in all, are raised around the 10 Commandments in all too really, and as a form of Law too actually. I on the otherhand, found myself in all, adhering in many ways truly, to avoiding in all, the 7 Vices actually {and as especially, with my teenage years in all too really} {and in many ways again, all this, making me yearn in all, to be very much even, like a traditional American that is} {and at the very least in all too even, from the very perspective in all, of personal relationships that is}.

For those in Abyssinia though {'the Plains' that is}, it is in all truly recommended that, moving away from perceiving the 10 Commandments as a form of Law in all again, and towards the 7 Heavenly Virtues actually, is not only an excellent way in all too really, of separating one in all again, from the Western/Modern {and as with its problems too even, appearing in all too really, to very much circulate in all again, around the 10 Commandments actually}; but in all ways too even, the 7 Heavenly Virtues, a rather excellent way in all, of living out life in itself and within Abyssinia too that is {and as with saying that, there are a million ways in all perhaps, of truly interpreting what Kindness truly is (and as compared in all too even, to the 10 Commandments that is)}.

Dante Duvallier

Karen/Lakeview, Abyssinia