Wednesday 11 April 2012



In all ways even, the 'Arid areas' of Abyssinia in all, can truly be said to be the most lawless and even most uncultured in all truly, of all the Nature based places {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, to be seen in Abyssinia too that is. This in many ways speaks of the general culture to be seen there (the 'Arid areas'), which in all ways too even, is not African in all ways even, but truly in all again, Islamic actually {that in all, lots of poverty seen in the 'Arid areas' in Abyssinia, actually do originate in the Islamic world (and the 'Middle East' too actually), and not the African realms of it either (with Africans in all again, having true knowledge in all, of just how to live and survive at a mere subsistence level actually} {and as with stating too that, African Rural areas in all, do not speak of poverty actually, but truly in all again, speak of a general lack of proper Planning & Organization in many ways truly}.

In all ways truly even, the book Orientalism and by one Edward Said too, is said to speak lowly of the Islamist world in all truly, but in all ways truly again, is believed in all actually {and by the Christian mind too perhaps}, to possess lots of useful and valid knowledge in all too really, that could very well be used to not only truly in all again, wipe out the problematic Islamic seen within Abyssinia, but truly in all even perhaps, help Rural groups in the 'Arid areas' of Abyssinia, gain a general culture in all too really, that could truly help with their developing a general culture in all too even, that does deal with Planning & Organization issues in all too really, and for these 'places' (Rural and Urban/'Poverty' that is), and in all actually}.

