Sunday 22 April 2012

Continental Africa

Continental Africa.

When most do attempt to view Africa as a Continent in all, they do in all truly perceive it even, from its Countries actually {and Borders too and in all too really}. In many ways, a more or less Geographical way of mapping out Africa, and as with one or two mentions of touristic Geographical spots and in a Country too that is.

In all ways though, the best way to perceive Africa as a whole perhaps {or Europe too even}, is from the perspective of its 'Life Force' actually. That while in all again, Europe's 'Life Force' is embedded in all, in its 'rolling' Hills perhaps, that of Africa is truly embedded in all again, in its 'Water Bodies' {and as with truly saying that, it is the 'Life Force' in all, that truly does define a person as being from Africa, or Europe too actually}. In all, what makes two peoples from Africa in all again, similar in their ways actually, is not proximity by Country either, but truly in all again, similarities in 'Life Force' actually {and 'Life Force' too, and as with African 'Water Bodies' that is (meaning in all again that, their being similar somewhat and in all too really)} {and with Botswana in all again, the very place in all, where Africa's 'Life Force', is very much truly concentrated in (and as with emanations too that is)}.

Images of Botswana {and Africa's 'Life Force'}: