Friday 27 April 2012

The Internet Server

The Internet Server.

Falsely highly assumed by many, to be a Communications Channel, or even truly perhaps, a Communications Portal, the Internet Server, is actually a Gateway {and as with this having too much meaning to it, and as with the futile attempt in all too even, to truly attempting in all again, to fully explain this actually}. In all ways though, the Internet Server is falsely assumed again, to represent a Plane of Existence {and as with speaking of Space-Time Reality in all that is}, when in reality, it does represent a Level of Existence in all too really {meaning in all again, it pertains only, to the Time dimension in many ways truly, and does truly heavily in all even, actually interfere, with not only how most out there perceive Space-Time Reality in all, but actually in all too really, truly interfering even, with just how most out there do perceive Space in itself actually}.

'the Moor'