Sunday 8 April 2012


Manliness and Abyssinia.

I did mention in another post that, the Kenyan Educational System in many ways truly, is designed in all ways even, to inbreed in all truly even, Manliness (and Womanliness), into its populations actually {and at the very least even, speaking too of stellar Citizens in all that is} {that in all again, the Kenyan Educational System does expect Kenyans in all (those who do choose to attend school that is), to become outstanding Citizens in all truly, and in a Kenya too, very much a Democratic Republic actually (meaning that, Kenya as a very much decentralized place, and falsely appearing African in this manner too actually, is actually in all, very much decentralized in all truly, and based on just how, it does define the Republic in all truly: as a Citizen driven Democracy that is)} {with this meaning in all again that, Citizens in Kenya (those educated by the Kenyan Educational System that is), are in many ways even, supposed to provide all sorts of alternate routes, that the average Kenyan in all, can use to Succeed in life actually (and whether formally Educated, or not formally Educated too either)}.

In many ways though, the real problem with the Kenyan Educational System is that, it attempts in all again (and rather successfully too even), to breed Citizens in all perhaps, excellent, at pointing out Problems in their lives actually (and the lives of others too really). The main problem with this obviously in all is that, it has led to a Kenya, where nothing does truly happen actually, as those involved in dealing with its problems in all (mainly its Citizens too that is), see problems just about everywhere, and any solution offered in itself, is actually just another problem to be solved in all truly.

In all ways though, I was rather lucky to go to a mainly Christian School in all really {Strathmore School that is (and situated in Lavington, 'Nairobi' too actually)}, and in many ways too even, their inbreeding of Manliness into us in all {and as with being a Citizen too perhaps}, was rather different: they in all expected us to deal in all again, with rather difficult problems actually, and from a rather Theoretical perspective too, and not a truly practical either {it was as if we were being trained in all, to be future Judges or something actually}.

In many ways though {and in alignment too with the 'Journey into Spirituality' entry that is}, I did not take the Education offered to me in all, rather seriously actually, but in many ways truly, I still truly do regret in all, in having missed out, on reading up on some of the rather excellent Religious Material in all, to be seen and found in Strathmore School actually {with it again that is, and as mentioned before too actually, having to do in all, with the Holy Roman Empire in all truly}.

If one was to think 'Holy Roman Empire' from a scholarly perspective in all, they would probably think 'Oralndo Furioso'. If however, they were to think of it from a rather Secular perspective too actually, then they would probably want to think (Jon) Bon Jovi performing 'Bed of Roses' actually {and as in saying that, his Physical Image in all (and especially as with Manliness too that is), does truly fall along the lines, of the Holy Roman Empire in all truly}.

In all ways truly too, the kind of Manliness again, generally recommended for Abyssinia in all {and with a similar accompanying Womanliness too actually}, and in all again, a kind of Manliness in all too really, well believed rather excellent even, in dealing with Abyssinia's daily (and average too) problems in all truly {and as in saying that, ones sense of Manliness/Womanliness in all, does predict in all truly even, what kind of daily problems in all again, one does believe in all too really, to be truly worth facing actually}.

