Thursday 19 April 2012



To speak of Outcomes, is to in many ways in all even, speak of 'Peace of mind' actually. In all again, this truly in all even, speaks of not only the ability to generate an idea or two rather simply even, but in all ways truly, speaking of the availability in all, of the proper mechanisms needed to make these one or two ideas, a reality actually {and as with speak even, the general ability in all, to test an Idea in itself, before truly fully applying it that is}.

In many ways truly and in all again, this does not only speak of just how to go about Succeeding in all, but in many ways truly, thoughts in all again, of Failure in itself actually {and as experienced in all truly, from the perspective of Frustration that is (and as with experiencing in all again, 'frustrated states/existences', and almost all the time too that is)} {that in all, there is a danger of sinking into a 'state of frustration', from which, one can never raise themselves up from (and as with speak too in all again, of the failure in all, to truly realize the proper mechanisms needed, to test ones Ideas in all, and rather than having to debate to oneself whether the Idea in itself is actually wrong, or even truly again, if one is simply in all, applying the Idea in all again and as with speak of mechanisms too that is, in the rather wrong manner actually)}.

In talking of all this, and from a rather Regional perspective too even, is to in all say again that, the different Regions of the World, do go about testing Ideas in rather different manners actually. Take North America for instance, where Ideas in many ways truly, are highly based around Social Group formations of all kinds actually {and as with they even, offering help readily, and for just about any problem faced that is} {and the very world too even, of 'Brainstorming' in all too really}. In South America on the otherhand, most are in all Raised/'Brought up' to be good problem solvers by nature (and by themselves too that is) {and as with one in all again, expected to solve ones own problems, and without too much help from anyone in all too really}. You have Africa on the otherhand again, where problem solving (and the testing of Ideas in many ways truly), has always been highly associated, with African Proverbs, Saying, and finally even, African Social Profiles {and as with the case even, of a respected professor in all, solving a difficult problem, and all this made known too, by talk in all again, of just how in general in all too even, he went about it actually}. In Europe, Philosophy has always been the main way of not only generating Ideas in all, but also truly, of putting them to test actually {and as with one even, supposed to impress others and as with regards to all this that is}. In the Middle East, Religious worship and as based around Belief Systems (and not just Beliefs in themselves), was in all ways even, just how the people there in all, did generate Ideas in many ways, and also truly, attempt to put them to test actually {and as with beliefs in all again, of gaining supernatural help and with regards to any of ones endeavours that is}. Finally you do have Asia, which today is highly associated by most in all, with the use of 'Asian Philosophy' and in generating Ideas and putting them to Test too actually, when in reality, Asia has always traditionally, been associated in all again, with generating Ideas and putting them to test, and as based around, having high quality (and the right quantity in all too even), of Institutions, and with regards to all this {and as with the case even, of ranking Universities by their prestige in all too really} {and with all this even, speaking in all truly, of all kinds of quantity/quality indexes in all too really}.

In Abyssinia though, and unknown to most too in many ways truly, Idea generation and testing, has been highly traditionally (and historically even), associated in all truly, with Media in all too really {and whether it be Religious Media, Pop Media, or even News Media too actually} {that in all again, those in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), have at the very least, simply stopped in their ways even, to simply listen to someone interesting talking, and in many ways too even, think deeply in all even, on what is heard in all ways truly (and as with all this even, Social media that is, speaking in all again, of what truly does lie, at the very heart even, of tribal cultures in Kenya and such as the Kikuyu, Luo or Kamba too actually)}. In all, the very world even, of watching someone do something crazy on Television for instance (or in the Movies too actually), and in all ways even, attempting in all again, to actually put it to the test in all ways even {and something today, believed falsely true, of both America and Europe in particular that is} {and as with Europe in all today that is, no longer in many ways adhering to its Philosophy, but in all ways even, to Media in all again, and as with regards to Idea based problem solving of all kinds actually (and as with Socialist/Communist Propaganda too that is)}.


'the European Moor'