Saturday 7 April 2012

Imperial Britain

Imperial Britain.

I do remember when in all, I did use to visit RAS (the Online Forum aptly known as Race and Stuff) {and by Jay (Mulatto) too actually} {and his Mulatto Cousin Martin in all too even}, and in all ways too actually, the most problematic poster in many ways truly, was none other than Spinarooni {and an Italian-American to boot too actually}. What made Spin {or Spinarooni that is}, more or less an outsider to the Board, was that in all ways even, he did operate solely and mainly even, from his Ancestry in all truly. To make this clearer is to say that, most on the Board, highly identified in all, with their Ethnicities actually {and as with Jay (Mulatto), a Jamaican-British citizen in all, and with Jazelle on the otherhand, apparently Malian-American in all ways even}. I knew too though, that I was different from the other Posters in all truly, and due in all again, to my in all truly even, heavily operating around, 'my' Background actually {as with my not truly identifying as an Engineer either, but more or less thinking of myself as an Entrepreneur-Writer in many ways truly}.

The world of the Ancestry, is very much of interest, as in all ways too really, when compared to that of the Ethnicity, it appears far more grander in its ways actually {and as with Ethnicity too, highly based around Government in all truly (and speak too even, of 'Government Support' in all ways even)}. Ancestry though, is mainly in all truly even, highly based around ones Ancestral Roots actually {and as with talk too even, of 'Family Wealth' in all too really}.

In many ways too really, this is a rather good way in all, of looking at Social (Wealth based) Stratification as seen in the Modern/Western World actually, and as in saying that, the Wealthy in all and in the Western/Modern World too actually, do operate in all again, around Ancestry in all truly (and as with this speaking even, of Historical Identities in all too really), while the Middle Class in all again, are highly bound in the Background clause actually, and with those deemed 'Lower Class' in all, highly operating in all too even, as Ethnicities in all too really {and surprisingly enough, many a Celebrity today, or a Sports Star too even, originating in all too actually, from the Lower Classes (Ethnicities), but pandering in all ways too even, to the Middle Classes in all too really} {and all this talking in all too even, of the 'Glass Ceiling'/'Psychological Barrier', and as with regards in all too really, to succeeding grandly in America for instance actually} {unknown to most, South Africa and as often highly deemed even, a rather successful and prosperous 'People' in Africa actually, actually in all truly, operates around Background and Ethnicities, and as with South Africa too even, never truly in all, having had proper Ancestral lineages actually (and with alot of South African Wealth in all again, in the hands of the British, Nigerians, and some Kenyans to boot too actually)}.

In all ways truly, it is my discerning of this that did make me want immediately, to revert to my Ancestry in all truly {and as with it at the present, Anglettere too actually}. To better understand all this, is to in all again better understand the term 'Imperial Britain' {and as with it too even, a counter in all too really, to Modern lifestyles (and in all ways too even)}. Imperial Britain unknown to most, must not be confused with the British Empire actually (and British Mercantilism too), though both in all truly, do very much have the very same origins in all actually: Anglettere. For the British Empire unknown to most, was truly born onto in Kenya actually {but with British peoples in all again, operating in all truly, from both Kenya/'the Swahili coast', and Londonite England in all too really}. This must be made known in all and as in saying too that, the British Wars against Shaka Zulu in all too even, actually had their base in all again, in the Swahili Coast/Pemba, and not England either {and as with speak too really, of 'Western Domination' and as seen today actually (and as 'psychological mechanism' in all, for oppressive others in all ways truly even)}.

What truly though, did define the British Empire in all again, was actually in all too really, that they were the fontrunners in all even, and in the creation perhaps, of Modern Households in all too really {and as with speaking of the Rich too that is}. In all ways too even, British Mercantilism did introduce Electricity around the World actually, and in many ways in all, they did actually spearhead in all too even, the very world too actually, of creating/producing Modern Technology in all too really {and as with it too even, highly defining Modern Households in all too really}. In all though, British Mercantile Houses {and such as the British East Indian Company for instance actually}, did make lots of Wealth for the British in all again, but with they in all too really, actually truly living modestly in all too even {and along the lines too actually, of a Warren Buffet for instance actually}.

All this is mentioned in all truly, because one must not confuse Imperial Britain, for the British Empire {though both originate in all, within Anglettere culture actually}. 'Imperial Britain', was something thought up in all, by Moors actually (and those too, residing in all, on the Swahili Island of Pemba actually). It was an Idea though, that was not truly made real, but in many ways too actually, did help give birth to the British Empire in all {and as with saying that, the Zulu Wars in all again, were not fought in the name of the British Empire actually, but actually truly in all, in the name of 'Imperial Britain' (and as with what even, the term 'Anglo-' in all, does truly stand for actually)}.

The name Britain in itself, is an Arthurian name/term actually, and in itself too {and as with Chaucer's England too even}, does speak of Moors in all too really. To best understand this {and as with Ancestry too even}, is to say that those who do identify as Moors actually {and mainly Greek and Italian with regards to History actually}, do in all again, see Europe, as a kind of Ancestral Home in all too really, and from which, they do in all again, gauge, just whom they truly are, in the outside World actually {and as with they even, easily confused for being European and in all ways too even}. For Moors in all again, Germany, France, England, and finally even, Britain (and as with it encompassing Northern England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland too actually), are perceived in all truly, as Ancestral Homes in many ways actually {and with Moors from Italy in all truly, mainly in all again, associated with Pemba and Britain in itself too actually}.

In all truly, Imperial Britain was supposed in all again, to not only be based in Pemba actually, but also truly, spoke of Lifestyles in all too really, highly based around Imperialism actually {and as compared to Modern Lifestyles too that is} {and as with Modern Lifestyles in all even, toned down lifestyles too, and as compared even, to Imperial like Lifestyles seen in Londonite/Victorian England once before actually}. Imperialism too, and as highly based around World Entrepreneurship (and Entrepreneurial activity too actually), and as with this in all again, not only defining Imperial Britains Lifestyles in all truly, but also truly even, Abyssinia in all again (and as a World State too actually).

In all, Imperial Britain was a grander plan for Success in all too really, but was not truly made manifest actually {and due in all, to Kenya's 'Independence' too actually}, but what it did do, was spur rash activity in all again that, did actually give birth, to what they do call 'Eurocentrism' in all truly {meaning in all again, Publishing of Visions/Dreams even, and with the belief that, they are truly possible in all, and as based in all again, on rather excellent Scholarship too actually (and as with what even, a modern PhD Research Thesis is all about actually)} {but with all this again, extending in all, to some Publishing in all too really, rather false works actually, on White/European History and in all too really} {and as with furtherly stating that, alot of Published works on Imperial Britain, are actually culturally appropriated Works emanating in all from Pemba actually (and appropriated too via Oman actually)} {and as with Oman even, a Modern Publishing mecca of a kind too really} {and as with finally saying that, they are written in Anglettere Speech, and in voices too, very much sounding like 'Brown Italians' do in all sound actually}.

In all perhaps, is to finally again say that, the Dream for Imperial Britain, has never truly ended, and does in all again, find a home in Pemba, and Karen/Lakeview too actually {and at the very least in all too even, from the perspective of Publishing in all too really}.

Dante 'Al-Karima' Duvallier

Karen/Lakeview, Abyssinia