Wednesday 25 April 2012

The African

The African.

One of the most disturbing books I have ever read, was 'Animal Farm' and by George Orwell too that is. What made it truly disturbing in all was that, it not only was a highly oppressive and discriminatory tale in all too really {and as with its psychology that is}, but in all again, what was truly disturbing and in all ways too even was that, of all the Animals on the Farm, it was the Pigs that were winning {and something to this day, I still find rather hard to stomach in all too really}.

To speak of 'the African' is to in many ways even, speak of general Psychological Profiles in all {and as with stating that, Africans in many ways truly, are truly believed in all too even, rather backward in Psychology that is}. In helping one understand this is to perhaps present more or less the more or less truly known Psychological Profiles {and as with one even, able to switch between them and depending on circumstances too that is}, and in many ways too, attempt in all again to furtherly explain terms such as 'the African', or the 'the Indian' too actually.

The Genetical Model: A model in many ways that does describe the Human being on average, from Long-term Memory, Conscious States, and finally in all too even, Mediumistic states {and as with speak of going into a Trance for instance}. A model in many ways too adhered by those, one could consider rather civilized in their ways actually {and in all ways even, those who did live in the old/ancient Worlds that is}.

The Lingual Model: A model in most ways that attempts to describe the Human as consisting of Short-term Memory, Preconscious Memory and Working Memory in all too really. A rather common model unknown to most, it having been used just about everywhere in the World {the olden World that is}, and to at the very least describe the average person out there and in all too really.

The Libidinal Model: With this proscribed model below, and it not very true to Freud's original model perhaps, it however, is far more popular today, than one would believe it to be actually, and as with it in many ways truly, having come to define not only Urban existences in all, but in all ways even, those who do identify themselves somewhat as being White and in all ways even {and as with viewing 'Whites' that is, as paragons of virtue in all too really}. In all, a model one could basically describe as consisting of ones Face, ones Abdomen/Stomach, and finally ones Groin and in all too really {and with the main goal of life and as with this model, satiating in all again, these three parts described and in all too really that is} {a model in all ways even, highly popular in South America and as with History that is}.

The Social Model: A model in all, one could very well call Western actually, and as with it stating that, it truly in all again highly attempts to define the Human being in all, and as consisting in all too even, of a self-image, personality and character too actually {and in many ways too, Western Media in all, attempting to portray just about everyone out there as being backward and in all too really that is, and due to the belief that, Westerners in all again, do define themselves highly based around this model actually (and Socially too that is), but this in all again not true in most ways and of the rest of the World that is (and as with they even, ascribing in many ways truly, to another model described just below)}.

The Physical Model: A model in all too really, one could associate in all again, with not only being Westernized in all, but also in all too really (and traditionally too that is), with 'Popular Italy' actually {and as with saying that, being Westernized in all again (and as with ritual), is a rather poor attempt in all, in attempting to be Italian that is}, but in many ways truly, did give us the very world of 'the Indian', and 'the African' too actually. In many ways, a popular model of the Human being and speaking of the Human as consisting of Eyes, a Physical Body, and finally in all too even, a Head too that is {and in many ways truly, a model in all again, that most in the rest of the World, actually do associate, with Primitivity in all too really} {and as with stating also that, this model made 'Western', believes in one being rather physically strong (and as with the Physical Body), having Eyes that do notice just about anything, and finally a Head too, that does work in all again, with ones nervous system for instance actually, and in simply being truly aware, of ones surroundings and subconsciously too that is (and with the Physical Body in all again, highly associated in all, with what one would call Physical/Body Memory, and as with the Physical Body too that is, more attuned to its environments in all, and by virtue of being accustomed in all again, to things happening in a certain way that is)}. In many ways, speak of being Westernized in all, and as with regards to this model speaks in all too really, of following certain rituals in all again {and as with how one in all, does unlock a door too that is}, and with 'the Indian' in all again, believed maximally Westernized in this manner {meaning in all that, Westerners do somewhat acknowledge them as being somewhat similar to them that is}, and with 'the African' on the otherhand, believed in all again minimally Westernized {and as with 'he' believed in all too even, of capable of showing some affinities, and towards being Westernized that is} {In Italy though, this model in all was associated with being a Swordfighter actually, and in many ways truly, French Swordfight does differ from Italian Swordfight in this way, in that, French Swordfight in all, is actually based around the Social Model mentioned above that is}.

In many ways truly, when someone in all does speak of a Culture in all again, being rather complex, they are in fact talking about just how many of these Psychological Profiles in all, are to be seen within the Culture actually {and as with talk too even, of a person being psychologically complex that is} {and in many ways too really, talk of mental confusion in all, does have to do with one not knowing in all too even, just where to use any of these Psychological Profiles that is} {and with Africanized (Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Negroid) Cultures in all too really, and Asian Cultures in many ways too actually, rather backwards in all too even, and as with regards to all this actually} {and with Italy too perhaps, claiming its stake as being grander than Egypt or Greece too even, based around its possessing too many, of such Psychological Profiles in all too really} {and as with furtherly stating that, Africanized (Caucosoid/Mongoloid/Negroid) Cultures/beliefs in all, is what does make Africa (and minus Abyssinia and Egypt too that is), rather similar in all again, to Central Asia actually (and as with speak too even, of the Mongoloid that is)} {and with Abyssinia and Egypt too, and as with discrimination that is, heavily defined in all again, by Skin colour and Gender issues respectively that is}.

'the Italian'